Monday, September 03, 2007

September 3, 2007 we drove for about 70 miles to another campground. We are now at Three Bears Family Camping & RV Park in Penobsquis, New Brunswick. We drove thru Fundy National Park to get to Hopewell Rocks (, which is a place that has the highest tides in the world. Lovers Arch formation you can walk under and all around it then when the tide comes back it 1/2 of the arches are underwater the tide rises 4 stories, really neat. When leaving we stopped in the town of Alma to buy Lobster at the Alma Lobster Shop, tons of lobster there. When we first had driven thru the town, before going to Hopewell Rocks, the fishing boats there where all beached, it really looked like they were dry docked. Then after leaving to head back to the coaches the boats were all floating on the water again because the tide had come in.
Sunday we had gone to the Historical Settlement in Kings Landing, old time houses, black smiths, saw mills, all the 1700 and 1800's, very cool place.
Dave has all the pictures posted now so take a look see.

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