Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Happy Birthday Kim / Back in Bakersfield

1st thing "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" Kimberly Diane, 26 now, boy did you ever thing you would be that old? I know when I was younger I always said "I'll never get to 25 that's way too old" and now I have doubled that age.
Anyway, she had to work so Dave, Danny and I made dinner for her and we ate when she got home. I even got her cupcakes, instead of a cake, and do you know when we were leaving in our cars, Danny and Kim came out and said we had forgotten about the cupcakes, instead of us going back in we just said enjoy them, after all it was going on 9:30pm that's our bedtime. So Sorry Kim, hope they were good. I just have to quit lecturing you guys on managing a house and let you live and learn on your own.
Enough of that, we got to Bakersfield yesterday, 25th, and Jackie and Bob, who we had met on the Mexico Caravan were still here at the RV park. Great, great people, we brought them over to Kim's to see the house and help with ideas on remodelling, then we came back for Happy Hour and their coach. After that we had dinner at the RV park restaurant, it was a lot of fun visiting again. Bob and Jackie have a son who has lived in Bakersfield for 29 years and is a teacher, so that's why they were here, seeing the grand kids and all that good stuff.
They left this morning and Dave went to the house to watch the remodelling going on, I stayed at the coach and cleaned.
Just found out there is going to be a rally going on here at the RV park, should be fun to watch, I love rallies.
That's it for the exciting stuff, more like boring recap.

Monday, March 24, 2008


Happy belated Easter to everyone, hope you had a good one. We drove from Las Cruces New Mexico to Casa Grande Arizona, and were just to tired to do anything once we got parked in the RV Park. It must have been the 50's street dancing we did the night before, well, mainly I danced with a group of ladies, it was fun. The music they played was more of the 60's then the 50's tho.
Sunday night we stayed in AZ and this morning we got going about 7am and are now in Palm Desert, CA staying in a Thousand Trails RV Park. Dave did all of the driving today but I did most of it yesterday, the last 2 days haven't been that exciting, EXCEPT yesterday when I was driving. We had our CB Radio on, of course, and there were some truck drivers that were going to either kick the shit out of each other or shoot each other. This white guy kept using the "N" word and said he had a 9mm gun and was going to either shoot this "N" word guy or fight him, it was the black truck drivers choice, plus, the white guy said he just got out of prison for killing a man so he had no problem killing another one. The white guy then gave a description of what he was driving and kept offering to pull over. I look behind me and there he was, boy was I nervous and let him go by me. Then for awhile it was quite, next thing you here two black guys, in two different trucks are looking for this white guy. Again I look behind me and there are the 2 trucks with the black guys in them and boy I let them by me too. They kept cussing out each other and calling each other names, then when we got close to Tucson we stopped hearing them on the CB's so we don't know if they pulled over or just got out of range for our CB. Very exciting stuff, I kept wanting to get on the radio and say "guys, guys, it's Easter Sunday relax" but I don't talk on that thing.
Today while Dave was driving a couple from Fantasy RV, another touring group like Adventure Caravans, kept talking to us, he even tried to get us to become Caravan employees of Fantasy when we stopped and talked to them at a rest stop. Nothing exciting like the CB radio talk yesterday, but it is fun to talk to people over the CB, or at least it is for Dave. I just enjoy listening to all the truck drivers talking and giving warnings of the "Bears" in the area.
Tomorrow we will be back in Bakersfield right before Kim's Birthday and our Anniversary.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Weeks Recap on the WOW Rally in Las Cruces

Recap of what’s been going on here, at the rally, in Las Cruces
Wednesday was the Farmers Market Downtown, the Rally had it from 8am to noon, NOT. Dave and I went on our own and we got there about 11am and there was hardly anything there. I think it may have taken us 10 minutes, at the most, to walk thru the whole thing. The Rally also at 11am was going to caravan to the Stahmann Pecan Farm for a tour, Dave and I decided to pass on that. We took off looking for a park with tennis courts so we could go practice pickle ball. We found a park and practiced for an hour then went to PetSmart and even went to Bed, Bath, and Beyond to pick up Kim a birthday present. At 2pm they had a seminar about maintenance and service so Dave and I both went to that, which I think I slept thru about ½ of it. After that we took off on our bikes and rode to old town Mesilla, which was a pretty cute town. At night it was bring Heavy Hors d’ oeuvres to share and a talent show, not many signed up for the talent show. There was a lady that played the accordion and that was about it. Rusty decided to bring up couples that had been married the longest and play “Not so Newly Newlyweds” that was pretty funny.

Thursday at 10am we caravanned to White Sands National Monument. We had our picnic lunch then climbed the dunes and some even used the sleds to ridge down the dunes, it was pretty funny watching some of them riding the sleds. One lady wanted a picture of her riding the sled to send to her granddaughter, she said let her see what her 73 yr old grandma is doing. At 4:30 it was back to the Rally Barn for the Pony Races. They had 5 stick horses and you had to bet on who was going to win, you should have seen these people riding those stick horses, pretty funny. The proceeds were being donated to Habitat for Humanity, which they ended up raising $400.00 pretty good.

Friday morning we went into the room where our group was and Don Lange, regional president, had invited us to sit with him, shocked the shit out of us because no one had really talked to us the whole time we have been here. Dave got to talking to him about the way we have been treated by everyone and even said the 1st night, Don himself asked us to stand and never asked us our names. Don said he didn’t know our names that’s why he didn’t introduce us, Dave said that’s why these chapters aren’t getting any new blood everyone stays in their click. Don said he was very sorry that no one had talked to us and said they will make it a point to do better on this. I guess after we left he must have had a meeting with everyone because now everyone is talking to us. I can hardly walk Valley around without someone walking with me, Thanks a lot Dave. They are even asking me to come by and see them when we are in their area, yea right. Too bad they weren’t that friendly at the beginning.
Friday we caravanned to Sunland Race Track and Casino had lunch there, gambled a little then went and bet on the horses. Lost at gambling but won on the horse races. Friday night they had a BBQ dinner, good shredded beef, then had a Western Band play for a couple hours.

Saturday, today, is the final day of the rally, so tonight it’s a hamburger cookout and street dance to the 50’s. This morning we went to play pickle ball then went to the farmer’s market, a lot more people there this time but still no vegetables or fruits.

That’s about it our exciting week at the WOW (Way Out West) Rally.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Juarez Mexico and the beginning of the Rally

We went this morning to Juarez Mexico by ourselves, getting thru the border, into Mexico, was fast and no big deal, now coming back was another thing. Once we got there we parked and walked around but most of the stuff we saw was commercial made nothing handmade. We decided not to stick around so I think we actually sat in line longer to get thru the border to the U.S. then the amount of time we stayed in Mexico.

Today at 4pm the Rally really started, it began with a margarita party with a Mariachi Band playing, which was pretty good. After that we went to the Rally Barn for a "Welcome and Mexican Dinner". After dinner we did the "Pledge of Allegiance", which was suppose to be done before dinner but the Master of Ceremonies, Don Lange, had forgotten to do it, I guess he was in a hurry to eat. Then they did some announcements of the up coming events then introduced a new couple to the group. Don then looked over at Dave and I, which we were at the head of a table closes to him and he said, "Oh, you guys are new too, please stand", which we did, do you think he asked our names or even asked us to tell everyone our names "NO". Needless to say we won't be joining this chapter of the Holiday Rambler Group, so far the South Carolina Chapter still has my vote, but we still need to meet up with more chapters before we start paying them any dues. I guess we should try and find the Arizona Chapter and give them a try, since someday we will be moving there.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day-Las Cruces New Mexico

Happy Saint Patrick's Day to everyone.
Yesterday Dave and I took off and went and got haircuts, Fantastic Sam’s, well, they cut my hair a little shorter then the picture I gave them, so they aren’t that Fantastic, but no big deal it will grow out. You only live once why sweat over a short hair cut. After that we took a drive thru Saguaro National Park, which was just beautiful, the cactus were just amazing to see. After that it started raining a little, no big deal, and then we headed for Costco, needed lettuce, oranges, and grapes. We got back to the RV in the afternoon and it started pouring rain, and getting really cold, we even got hail. For dinner we went with, Cheryl, Dean, Charlie, Gayle, and this time Herb and Anne joined us, they were on the Mexico Caravan too and were staying somewhere else in Tucson. We all had a good time and a good visit, plus gossip about the caravan.
The night got pretty cool and when we took off this morning we were driving thru snow, it wasn’t on the roads but it was on the sides. At one point it started to sprinkle again then the next thing you know it was snowing on us. We had our CB radio on and you could hear the truck drivers saying, this is Arizona what the hell is doing snowing now, it was pretty funny. Once we got to Benson Arizona the sun was out and the sky was blue it was hard to believe it was snowing on us 10 minutes earlier.
Anyway, we are now in Las Cruces, New Mexico for the Holiday Rambler Rally “WOW” which stands for Way Out West. The rally really begins tomorrow but we wanted to get all set-up and check things out. They are having a golf tournament tomorrow besides check in there really isn’t anything to do until the 4pm margarita party and Mariachi Band. Dave and I decided to drive to Ciudad Juarez, Mexico and check out the border area, it might be a bust but we still have peso’s we need to get rid of, if you don’t hear or see any postings from me in a couple days, send help, because we are probably either stuck/jailed/ or dead somewhere in Mexico and Valley needs to be rescued from the RV and be fed.

P.S. I did do some driving today, I haven’t said that in months, but driving Hwy 10 seems to be my calling.

Saturday, March 15, 2008


So sorry, I forgot to say "Happy Birthday" to Tracy Doria, Kim's best friend and our very good friend too.
Love you Tracy

Now in Tucson Arizona

We left this morning about 7:30 am to meet up with Jeff at a Cracker Barrel Restaurant in Phoenix. We got there early but just walked Valley around till about 9:45 then we starting calling Jeff. We were suppose to meet him at 10am, we got a table and waited, and Dave kept calling. As you can guess, Jeff never answered the phone or showed up, Dave and I had a good breakfast anyway. We hope everything is OK with him, maybe he will call us sometime and let us know what had happened.
We got to Tucson, at Mission View RV Resort about 1:30pm got all set up then went visiting. Cheryl and Dean, our Wagon Masters on the Mexico Caravan we went on who had to leave early because Dean got sick, are here in the RV Park.(Dean looks great now) Charlie, Gayle, and Dinah(their dog) are staying here in the RV Park too. We sat and visited then went to the Casino around the corner for dinner, it was a good time visiting again. Tomorrow night another couple on our caravan, Herb and Anne, are coming by and we are all going out to Olive Garden for dinner, that should be fun too.
Only got in about 3 miles walking today, and NO pickle ball, having withdrawals already. Tomorrow I think we are touring around Tucson and see what it has to offer.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Friday Night and House Inspections Done

After my 7 mile walk, Dave and I rode our bikes to the pickle ball courts at a little after 8:30 this morning. The last few days when we get there at 10 a few people have bitched, since they think we are the youngest, that we only showed up after the old folks were tired. We showed up early this time and got to play a lot because some people didn't show up, that normally do. Dave and I don't play as partners, everyone just keeps switching around, that way you learn more. My biggest hang up is serving, the underhand is killing me, otherwise, they are amazed at the way I play. If they hit it short, I will normally get it, long I get it, but don't get me wrong I still miss some of the stupid ones that I shouldn't miss, but I have to admit I am pretty good at it, but Dave is really good. Anyway, it is a lot of fun and one hell of a workout. By the end of the day, at least the last few days I have been getting in about 10 miles a day if not more. Maybe if I keep this up I could possibly lose some weight some day, if not at least I might be in shape, don't know what the shape is called, but it is some kind of shape.
This afternoon we went and did an inspection of our rental units in Cottonwood and Cornville. Everything is looking pretty good but some work still needs to be done by the rental company for the Cottonwood house. The work that was ordered to be done last year when we did a walk thru was done horribly and we have told the rental company to have it redone, which they agreed to do. The renters knew it was bad work but never said anything, they didn't want to bitch about the work because they want to stay in the house, but we told them the work will be redone and if it doesn't get done right this time, call the rental company. But really the rental company shoulc come out and inspect the work to make sure it was done right.
Enough of that, we leave tomorrow and will be in Tucson for 2 nights, we will meet Jeff, on the way, for a late breakfast/early lunch, haven't seen him since Kim's wedding last August. Then on the 17th we are headed for Las Cruces, New Mexico, which I'm sure I'll mention a few more times on by blog from Tucson.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Mind is 25 but the hurting body is 50

Wednesday morning, Dave and I were sore, but I managed to get in about a 7 mile walk, Valley went with me for about 3 miles, and Dave joined us and walked about 2 miles. Dave and I then went over to play pickle ball with the better players about 9:45am. There was another couple, Rick and Shirreen, that showed up at 11am for lessons. After their lessons, we, meaning, Lee, Audrey, Dave and I asked them if they wanted to get together at 4pm to practice playing, which they did. But before any of us left we played another 6 games and didn’t leave the courts until almost 1pm, and we were going back at 4pm, we must be crazy. We got back to the coach, had a little lunch then for me it was lay out in the sun and nap, and Dave just snoozed away in the coach. When we all showed up at 4pm, since there were 6 people, and it’s only 4 on a court, Linda and Rick (yes, another Rick) said they would play with us too. We didn’t get back to the RV until 6pm. Boy, were we exhausted, and sore. I told Dave when we go tomorrow there is no way I am staying and playing that long, we are leaving soon and I have things to do in the coach, like rest. Don’t get me wrong, I love doing this and Dave is pretty good at this sport, but I have a problem, I keep running and trying not to miss any of the balls, when everyone else says “if you have to take more than 2 steps you just let it go” I just don’t follow that saying. In my mind I am still 25 but the body says “No Way in Hell”. I feel kind of bad for Valentine, she has to hear us moan in pain all night long, no wonder she sleeps all day long.

Thursday, I got in about an 8 mile walk before we left for pickle ball. We got to the courts and played for 2 hours and said that was enough for now. The other 2 couples that were beginners with us, Audrey, Lee, Rick and Shirreen , didn’t show up at all. I know Audrey and Lee the night before had caught colds, so I kind of knew they wouldn’t show, but the other couple are in their early 50’s so they should have shown up, must have been too sore. Anyway, Dave and I went back at 4pm, and no one was there, so we played 2 games by ourselves then came back to the coach.
Our next door neighbors, here in 1000 Trails, stopped by and told us they had just gotten back from town and diesel fuel was selling for $4.29 a gallon. What the hell? This is getting ridicules, now because of the fuel prices, plus the way the stock market is going, we are thinking about maybe we should stop travelling around and just settling down in one of the houses in Arizona. We can put the RV in storage and just use it when we have put enough money away from the part time jobs we will need to get. (Just kidding, hopefully, but then maybe not)
This fuel stuff is really putting a damper on our future short term plans, after New Mexico, then Bakersfield we had thought we would travel to Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Redding, Sacramento, Oakland, all to see family but now we have to rethink everything. We might only make it to Oakland and Sacramento then just park our butts in Bakersfield, Yuk, because of the heat, until next October when we go to the balloon festival in New Mexico. We just don’t know, and we may even have to cancel our Louis and Clark trip next May 2009 if the fuel prices don’t improve.
OK enough wining, tomorrow morning after my walk we will go for pickle ball again then we have an appointment at 2pm to do an inspection of our rental units, need the write off for our taxes. Saturday we head to Tucson Arizona for 2 nights then on to Las Cruces New Mexico for the Holiday Rambler Rally.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Went tonight and met up with Lee and Audrey and played 3 games of pickleball, and Dave and I won all 3 by a long shot. We said we would go down tomorrow at 9:30am and hope the pros are tired by then and maybe we can play against them. You need to play against better people if you want to get better, but it sure is good exercise.

Back to Cottonwood, AZ

Time to get caught up again; it’s been a week since I last wrote.
I forgot to mention in my “Welcome back to Bakersfield” blog besides the other good news I wrote about, Kim in hospital, Valley with heart murmur, and having to take Chelsea in to have her put to sleep, I had forgotten to mention that we got a notice that they are thinking about putting in a Freeway right where are house is in Bakersfield. They were having a neighborhood meeting Tuesday night and we couldn’t go to it, so someone that Danny works with lives in the neighborhood and was going to keep us informed on the outcome. The meeting turned out to be nothing so far, so we didn’t miss anything yet, Kim and Danny will just have to keep their eyes and ears open for what is going on.
Last Tuesday, late afternoon, Dave and I drove to Ontario to stay at a hotel so we would be near the church for my brother’s funeral the next day. David Jr. drove in late that night and stayed in our room too. Kim had called earlier and said she was feeling better and was done with the IV’s at the hospital and asked if she could come to the funeral and we told her NO she had to stay home and rest.
Wednesday was totally amazing to us, my brother had over 1,000 people who attended his funeral. There were fire engines, fire trucks, fire service trucks, hotshot trucks, you name it and it was there. Governor Arnold couldn’t make it but he sent a representative to come and speak on his behalf. They had so many Fire Chiefs speaking and everyone else that spoke, the church was packed. The service itself was over 2 hours long then the family had to wait for all the service personal to leave the church so they could all line up and we then walked single file thru that line, very interesting. They had another small service outside, with bagpipes playing, then a service guy playing the trumpet, and then they did a helicopter fly by, where one veers off for a fallen firefighter. The highway patrol blocked off the streets and closed the 10 freeway for the funeral procession, which was probably 3 miles long. Once we got to the cemetery the family lined up and they had every fire engine, trucks ect. Drive by for us to see. I am just so very sorry I didn’t know how important my brother was to the community, it’s too bad our communication was basically cut off years ago, but we all still did love each other even though we weren’t close. He is a lucky man now because he gets to be with our parents now.
Because they listed his death as a stroke, work comp is now not going to pay the hospital bill, which is about 235,000.00. They pay for everything else just not a stroke, so the fire department top guns have drafted up a bill which was being presented to Governor Arnold last week to have the Work Comp wording changed so strokes are covered, the bill is called the “Tomaselli Bill”. Let’s hope everything goes well with that, after all he was driving to a fire when the stroke happened, it work didn’t cause it I don’t know what else would. After the funeral on Wednesday, Dave and I went to my nephew’s house, Jimmy, to eat then we headed back up to Bakersfield. Once we got to Bakersfield my brother, Mike, called and said my 94 year old uncle, who had just gotten out of the hospital the day before, he had a pace maker put in, had fallen and broken his hip, great more good news. Then Mike called again on Thursday and said that my brother, Vance’s, house was broken into probably the police said when the funeral was going on, please can’t this family get a break. Speaking of break, my niece’s husband, Shawn, was playing soccer and broke his ankle right before they were moving to Colorado. Enough of the bad news.
Dave, Valley and I drove back to Cottonwood on Friday morning; it took another 8 hours to drive it. Saturday, we went walking in the morning, played a little pickle ball then went to Costco. That afternoon we did bike riding for awhile, it just feels so good to be able to get out and exercise again. Sunday was cleaning the rig again, this time Dave emptied out the underneath and vacuumed and I emptied out the inside cupboards and cleaned them all up. Finally getting all the dirt from Mexico out of the RV, what a mess it had gotten. Monday, Valley and I walked our 5 miles, I think it was a bit long for her, and Dave took the car to the dealership because the “Service Engine Soon” light starting coming on again. Well it was due for 90,000 mile check-up, the car has 98,000 miles on it, plus they said the warning light means the fan clutch is bad. We had to have that fan clutch replaced while we were in Canada last September, and the work was done by a GM Dealer in Canada but Canada’s computer doesn’t talk to the US computer so it doesn’t show the work being done. I couldn’t find our receipt from Canada so Dave called the dealership there and they faxed the work order over. Thank goodness too because now the new fan clutch they put in is under warranty, so it only cost us $450 for the rest of the work that needed to be done. When the car was done Dave and I decided to walk over and pick up the car, which was only about 2 1/2 miles away, the only bad thing was it was all uphill to get out of the 1000 Trails RV park, then at 3pm we rode out bikes over and played pickle ball again.
This morning Dave had cramps in his legs, his sides are sore, shoulder hurts, me, my legs are sore because I must have walked 10 miles yesterday and my sides are a little sore. I did take Valley out for a 5 mile walk then I dropped her off and walked another few miles, no pain no gain, right? At 11am Dave and I went over and got pickle ball lessons, at 4pm tonight another couple that is learning how to play we will meet them and practice together.
Go to Goggle and put in Vance Tomaselli and all the articles should show up
or go to and watch the video

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

House boat trip

We took a house boat trip while on our Mexico trip

Everyone on board
Not much water
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Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Welcome back to Bakersfield

We drove 544 miles yesterday and got to Bakersfield about 2pm and Kim wasn't feeling good. She said she was going to call in sick on Tuesday so she could come down with us to Riverside on Tuesday afternoon for Vance's funeral on Wednesday. You shouldn't plan on calling in sick because you sometimes jinx yourself and you really do get sick. Well, it happened, Kim was sick, she ended up calling into work sick on Monday night, she couldn't hold anything down. All night long she was sick so 1st thing this morning she called the doctor and they told her to get to the hospital. Dave went with her to the hospital, Valley had a vet appointment so I took her there, better me then Dave. They mainly wanted Kim in to get an IV in her for fluid and Dave could handle that one. Anyway, Valley had ear infections and now they found a heart mermer (can't spell). Danny left school and met Dave and Kim at the hospital where she is now on her second IV, but doing fine. Today Dave was going to take Kim and Danny's dog, Chelsea, in to have her put to sleep, but guess who's shoulders it falls on now.
Boy, this is turning out to be a great week for all of us, welcome back to Bakersfield.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

All Alone

Yesterday we got going from Amado, Arizona and headed for Cottonwood, Arizona and the drive was about 5 hours long. We got to 1000 Trails and while just starting to drive around and look for a campsite Dave cut a corner too sharp and we hit a bolder and wood post, oh well another dent. Luckily I spotted the post in time or else we might have really done some damage, as it was we hadn’t finished the turn yet. We had to get out and unhook the car, then I got behind the wheel of the RV and Dave guided me on how to get the RV out of that situation. Most of the dents, so far knock on wood, have been to this one panel on the RV so it looks like we will just have to replace the one panel, but we will hold out for a while just in case. We got all set up then had to make a run to Wal-Mart, remember we had just about eaten everything that was in our refrig and freezer except all the seafood we had brought back. We just got enough for Saturday night’s dinner and for Sunday. Will restock everything next week when we get back from Bakersfield.
While sitting around it had donned on us that this was the 1st time since January 13th that we were alone. Since January 14th, we have either been with family, friends or our new friends from our Mexico Caravan. I guess we should get use to it since we really don’t have any friends, or at least that’s what our daughter tells us. When we stop motor homing and move into a house in Arizona then she can say we really don’t have friends, because the only person we know in Cottonwood is the real estate agent, who I do keep in touch with.
Today we are alone too, so I’m doing laundry, emails, pictures and blogging and Dave is shopping at Home Depot, things are back to normal, god we are exciting people. We do have TV back so at least we don’t have to stare at each other, and I must say I sure didn’t miss those stupid commercials. Plus, we have phone service back too, we are so use to not using a phone that every time we leave now we forget our phones, or at least Dave does, I had no problem hooking that to my side again.
I must say it is nice being back in the U.S. and being able to go walking around with Valley again, there aren’t tons of lose dogs running around like there were in Mexico. I must say though the people in Mexico are a hell of a lot friendlier then they are back in the states. In Mexico everyone says Ola(Hi) you need any kind of help they stop and help you no questions asked. We get back here and walking around the park and say Hi to someone and they ignore you or a void eye contact, weird how that works. That’s alright; I’ll take the U S of A any old day.
This is the last blog for a week, not taking my computer down to California with us, will get all caught up when I get back.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Back in the USA

We made it back safe and sound, and that's a miracle in itself. The road to get to the border was horrible, I have never seen so many holes in both sides of the roads before. Nancy and Dan had emailed Bob before we left and they had popped 2 tires when they left a couple days earlier, now we know why. Thank goodness none of us had any problems but it really was a nightmare. We were thinking about going back to San Carlos next October but if we have to go on that road again, forget it.
It took us 1 hour and 25 minutes to get thru the border, heck of a long line. They did come in and take the ham lunch meat, salami, and frozen turkey lunch meat, they never asked where we had been, what we purchased or anything, weird. All but 2 RVs stopped at De Anza Trails RV Resort to spend the night, it had been a long day. We had left at 7:20am and got all set up by 5pm, just in time for 1 more happy hour then dinner. We head out today for Cottonwood, Arizona where we will leave the RV and drive the car to Bakersfield on Monday.