Saturday, September 15, 2007

September 15, 2007 Before I begin anything let me say Congratulations to my niece and nephew, Marisa and Shawn, Inara Grace Tomlinson was born on Friday 9/14 not sure of the time yet but it was close to midnight as Kim tells me. All are doing fine I hear and Marisa ended up having a "C" section, just hope it was a bikini cut, ha ha because I had one and there was still no way I was going to wear a bikini but of course Marisa could if she wanted to, but somehow I don't think she wants to, but I'm just guessing.
It's going on 11 pm right now and I know I won't finish this blog tonight, but I'll get started anyway.
Today is Saturday and it was raining just about all day, we have been lucky with the weather so far so a little rain doesn't hurt, gives you time to get caught up on stuff at home. Let's see I didn't get my blog caught up or get the pictures captioned, so I really don't know what the hell I did all morning but it sure went by fast. We all did manage to go to Wal-Mart and do some shopping in between the rain showers but when we got home it was 1:30pm and we had to leave again by 2:30pm that's when I realized, "where the hell did the morning go" Dave and I did sleep in until 7am which is amazing but after that who knows.
At 4pm today we went to the musical "DRUM" which was fabulous. It celebrates the 4 Nova Scotias founding cultures: Aboriginal, Black, Celtia and Acadian. We all had such an enjoyable time, really upbeat and kept you clapping or stamping your feet. After that we went to dinner at a great Italian Restaurant called "Cafe Chianti" very good food and right next door was "Tomavino's" close to my maiden name but no cupie doll, what ever the hell that means.
OK, so I finally got today updated tomorow I'll have to work on the other past days that I missed, like Thursday, which was Mahone Bay, Farmers Market, Horse Drawn Wagon ride, Fishing Museum and Quilt shop. Then there was Friday the "Swiss Flight III" memorial, Peggy Cove's, and the Halifax Citadel" where we had lunch and toured around. 11:30 now and it is way past my bed time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think Shawn said Inara was born at 12:58 p.m. Kelli is happy because she was born on her birthday.
