Monday, September 24, 2007

September 24, 2007 we got going at 7:15am this morning to take the car in. It ended up that we needed a new Fan Clutch for the car so 4 hours and $804 later we were back on the road again. We did manage to go to, what they call a mall, at 10am while waiting for the car to be fixed. Very nice of them to drop us off at the mall and come and pick us up when the car was done. After that we came back to the coach and I walked Valley around then we headed for "Alexander Graham Bell Museum" in Baddeck. Baddeck is a cute little town we had stopped at a restaurant for some soup before heading back to the coach after the museum. The Bell museum was interesting, I had no idea he had accomplished so much, I thought he had only invented the telephone, wrong. His biggest thing was teaching deaf people to speak, he created man-carrying kites and airplanes, he also produced the fastest boat in the world, plus so much more, pretty amazing. He also, bad boy, married one of his students once she turned 18 and her family had a lot of money, so he was set for life, just kidding, but the money did help. After that we went and bought more mussels for dinner with Lee and Vicki tonight, and tomorrow we are headed for the Fortress of Louisbourg, which is suppose to be an all day event. Today ended up being a bad weather day, very windy and cold, and it did rain off and on, that's it for today's weather report.
P.S. Vicki and Lee had a good time with their friends.

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