Monday, September 27, 2010

Marcus and other news

Lots to update now!! Let's see, the last I wrote I was about to hopefully have surgery, which I did. I ended up going into the hospital on September 7th at about 4pm. There was a hassle with our insurance, and we have a ppo, but they were trying to say that they needed 3 to 5 days to review the surgery that I required before approving it. Well, I didn't have 5 days the doctor here in Bakersfield was trying to tell them, it needed to be done right away. (besides Marcus was going to be due in 8 days, didn't want Kim and I in the hospital at the same time) Anyway, I got admitted, met the surgeon that night and was scheduled for 7:30am the next morning. Kim and Dave both showed up by 5:30am, no one had really slept that night and we were all nervous and wanted everything to just be over with. Ends up, while waiting in pre-op the surgeon hadn't gotten a copy of the nuclear scan, to tell him which parathyroid was bad, so we had to wait around. Kim was at the nurses station when her OB GYN walked in, in scrubs, and said "Kim you are here a week early" she then reminded him of my surgery and he walked over and talked to me. He knew of my surgeon and said I was in good hands. I finally went in, had the surgery, and everything came out well. It was 1 bad parathyroid, with a very large tumor, so it had been growing for awhile, it was removed and was non cancerous, which was great news. The cut on my throat looks like I had a tracheotomy done. The swelling is above that and you really can't see the cut at all. Saw the surgeon the following Thursday and he said the swelling will go down in a few weeks. I had surgery on Wednesday, the following Wednesday Kim had a "C" section and Marcus was born, 7lbs 15oz and 20 in. long with lots of hair. Boy is he a screamer, when he cuts loose you know it, nothing like Madison was. Madison was very quiet and you had to force her to eat and stay awake, not Marcus. He is already rolling over, stays awake and eats non stop, he sure is keeping Kim busy.
After Marcus was born that next weekend Dave and I drove to San Mateo for his 45th High School Reunion. It was OK, he knew about 10 people at the most, I think, but we had a good time. They are planning a 50th and a lot more people, that he knows, said they could make it to that one, so will see in 5 years.
I mentioned all this stuff on face book but not my blog. So Happy Birthday to Kelli and Inara (on Sept. 15th), Alex David Jr. and happy 9th anniversary Kelli and Rob .
While here in Bakersfield we have had some visitors. Linda Tibbitts stopped by on her way to Chico, and visited with us, Kim fixed dinner while she was here. Then on her way back to Utah, Linda stopped by again, and she got to meet David Jr, Jodi and Riley, plus, she got to meet Marcus for the 1st time, Linda was very excited about that. Our friend Lee and Vicki Kessler stopped on their way back to Long Beach, we had a good lunch at the restaurant in the RV park. Then last Monday Stan and Ginger Franks, RV Friends, stopped by and stayed at the RV Park for a couple days on their way back to Camarillo. They also got to meet Kim and Marcus, but didn't get to meet Danny and Madison, maybe next time. They thought Marcus was such a beautiful baby, we couldn't disagree with them, he does have the looks, but maybe I am being prejudice.(NOT)
We are staying another 2 weeks, after Marcus was born, thinking Kim would need the help. She is a natural, belly almost gone, and handling both kids like a pro. So far we got to drive her to 1 doctor appt. and to pick up Madison from school but that is it. Once her staples were out she was driving herself. Danny isn't too happy and neither are we but what are you going to do. Kim is one hard headed kid. She is taking it easy, on the driving, and that's all we can ask.
Now, Madison is a different story. A week or 2 before Marcus was born, everything was Mommy and Daddy, clinging, wouldn't let them out of her site, except for school. There was no way she would go with Dave or I, the other day she even starting crying at the pool when Danny was going off to go to the bathroom, Kim was at the coach with Marcus. She won't hug or kiss us just pushes us away, I think it really bothers Kim, the most, but we know it's just a phase she is going through. I don't know if it's the new brother being here, or just the terrible 2's but she will work through it.
Sunday we drove down to L.A. and went with David Jr, Jodi and Riley to see a new play "Leap of Faith" staring Brooke Shields and Raul Esperza . It is playing at the Ahmanson Theatre, boy, it sure is nice having a son that is the CIO and can get us in the plays at our price range, Free. It was a really great play, Brooke needs a little stronger voice, but it was really enjoyable. We were on the floor about 10 rows back from the stage, and after the play we even got to go backstage with David and see the actors. When we go out the door, the actors go out of, the fans are all waiting there wanting autographs. I asked Riley to go out 1st and scream my name when I came out so that everyone there would want my autograph, but she wouldn't go for it, darn it.
Now, this coming Wednesday, Carrie Underwood is singing at the Rabobank Arena, and we got tickets to see her. $54 a ticket, I couldn't believe it on the floor 10 rows back from the stage. We are digging out our cowboys hats, have to fit in, thank goodness we got them years ago for some other Rally we went to.
Hey, I'm finally caught up again, we leave next Monday for home. Will stop in Laughlin Monday night then be back to Cornville on Tuesday.

Monday, September 06, 2010

Health update and catch up time

In case you didn't see my post on Facebook, we have finally discovered that I have hyperparathyroidism. Kim is calling the doctor's office in the morning, Tuesday, to see when I have to check in to the hospital. We believe I'll go in Tuesday and have surgery on Wednesday to take the tumor (99% are non Cancerous) out of the right side of my neck. We just all want to talk to the surgeon, because everyone has 4 parathyroids, is he just taking out the one or ones with the tumor or taking all 4. Everything is just moving so fast, I just had the scan on Thursday and they told me my doctor wouldn't get the results for 3 to 5 days. Friday, late afternoon, the doctor's assistant calls and said the doctor wants to admit me into the hospital. What, it's a holiday weekend, that's when Kim took over the phone conversation. She knows the doctor and told them to have the doctor call her back, which he did. She wanted to know the name of the surgeon, which it turns out she had never heard of him before. She checked around with her coworkers and found out that the surgeon is good and I will be taken good care of. She even told the doctor what floor to put me on and she contacted that floor and informed them that her Mom was coming in on Tuesday and they had to take care of me. Dave did some research on this disease and discovered that it is related to, in some way, to prostate cancer. Since all my brothers had prostate cancer, and girls don't have prostates, I guess that's why I got this disease. As my brother, Mike, said "Deep Throat", asshole. Anyway, will keep everyone informed on the outcome.
Recap time, I'll try and keep it short.
We got back to Bakersfield on August 18th, the kids 3rd anniversary and surprised everyone. Madison was a bit shy but it didn't take long for her to start running around and wanting Nana to chase her. On 8/22 was a tea party baby shower for Kim put on by a few of her friends. On Monday 8/23 Dave and I borrowed Kim's car and drove to our house in Arizona. We were in need of some paperwork there and it couldn't wait until we go back in October. Dave found the paperwork in 15 min. but it didn't matter because we were staying until Thursday, no matter what. When we came back on Thursday I went with Kim to pick up Madison from school then back to the RV Park for swimming. On 8/28 we all drove down to North Hollywood for another baby shower for Kim that Danny's sister and Mom threw for her.
This holiday weekend the RV Park had a special, pay for 2 nights and get the 3rd night free. They were having all kinds of activities going on so we thought it would be fun if Danny brought the trailer over and they could camp out for 3 days. Good thing they did because Dave discovered that slide on the trailer wasn't coming out all the way. We had a fun 3 days, Madison got a lot of swimming in and played with other kids and even sat outside and watched a movie the park put on. It sure turned out to be an expensive weekend for them, we walked across the street to a car dealership and they ended up buying a Cadillac Escalade ESV. It's bigger then the Ford they turned in so now they have enough room for 4 kids and strollers. It is a nice car, loaded, even has TV screens on the back of the head rests. Might have to borrow it when we go to San Francisco. jk
This morning Danny towed the trailer back to the dealership to have them fix it. Hung out at Kim's did laundry and now back home at the RV Park.
Caught up again, pretty short and sweet for a long time not posting. Kim has 9 days to go, let's hope she can hang in there.