Sunday, November 25, 2007

We have landed into a new spot today. We are now in Thousand Trails Orlando RV Park in Clermont which is like 13 miles from Disney World in Orlando. What a hugh park and very nice, nothing like the other 1000 Trail parks we have been to. They have normaly been way out in the hillsides with lots of trees and miles and miles from the city, this one is great. We got here around 11:30 and got all set up then Dave and I went out to lunch, it's Sunday and we missed our out to breakfast day because we were travelling. Anyway, when we got back I got to lay out in the sun then in the late afternoon Valley and I went walking. We chased some squirrels then we found an armadillo and started chasing it then it stop cold, I have no idea what armadillos do so Valley and I stopped too. I know pocupines through their needles but I have no idea about armadillos, will have to do some research on that. I had the map of the park with me but didn't bring my glasses so when I was lost the map didn't do me any good. I just knew it was 5:00pm and was going to be dark at 5:30 and I needed to find by way back, which I did, got back at 5:15 so I wasn't that far away. I thought Dave would be mad because we had been gone for 45 min. but NOOOO, he was still on the phone with the verizon girl working out problems with his phone and computer. I can't believe my husband has phone affairs right in front of me, he makes these little jokes with the girls, god the things you do when you get old!!!

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