Wednesday, November 14, 2007

November 14, 2007 today is another travel day, this time we are headed for Columbia South Carolina to visit some people we met last March in Macon Georgia at the FMCA Rally.
Yesterday morning Dave and I took off for "Mel's Diner" which his friend had suggested for breakfast, which was a cute diner. The corn beef hash was more expensive then the steak and eggs, so I thought, maybe, the corn beef hash is locally made, wrong, from a can, which I love anyway. Dave ordered the eggs and ham steak, best ham I have had for a long time. Most of the ham we get doesn't really have any flavor, so that's why I don't like ham, but this was really good. After breakfast we took off driving to Beaufort, which is in the beach area, the weather was in the 70's so back to shorts again. By the way, Beaufort is where Black beard, the pirate, used to live. Anyway, we drove around the beach area, walked some but everything is closed, until next spring. It was a nice drive some really beautiful houses and the area are amazing, it would be a nice area to live in. We then went back into town to the Pepsi Store where Pepsi was invented, had a soda at the soda fountain, then back to coach for packing up.


Anonymous said...

So you drank the Pepsi... I never heard what happened with the Kool-Aid. Did you drink any? :)
Thanks for giving us all the history info. Alex doesn't even have to go to school now. She just learns it all through Aunt Jeri!!

Jeri said...

Pepsi doesn't count as history, just like the Peanut Factory or Bologna Factory don't count, those things are just interesting. The Kool-Aid was coming if I had to listen to anymore Revolutionary or Civil War history, which we haven't so far.
If Alex doesn't go to school anymore and learns everything from Aunt Jeri she will be really hurting,later in life, unless she can find a heck of a guy like Dave. One who puts up with your crap and loves you to death no matter how much of a bit_h you are.

Anonymous said...

Well if her mom can find one, there is hope for her! :)