Monday, July 07, 2008


Went to the doctor's today for the last appointment before the baby. Kim is 3rd on the surgery list for Wednesday, July 9th, so the doctor said it would be around 9am when she goes into the operating room. I'm guessing around 9:30 we should know if it's a boy or a girl and who wins the guessing contest. Everyone but 1 person guessed that it is going to be a boy, so if it's a girl Jodi Alton wins the contest, will post on the next blog along with a picture of the baby.
After the doctor's Kim and I went to the hospital for her blood work, so everything is ready on the hospital end.
Today Dave, Kim and I did the last of the cleaning and laundry so the home front is ready, except for the bathroom toilets and the front shower, that's Danny's job, we had to leave him something to do. Dave did the floors today using the cleaning machine and got them real clean and shiny.
On July 4th, Danny had the day off so we all went shopping and got the bassinet and baby bath tub, so the baby is all set for furniture now. I believe tomorrow is going to be the longest day for Kim and Danny, I know Danny is starting to get nervous, Kim is still pretty cool and collected, just wait.
Sunday night Kim got her pick of restaurants to go to because Monday the doctor said to start on a soft food diet because of the c-section, so she picked BJ's Brewery and she was a little bummed that she couldn't have her berry beer that she likes. Tonight for their last night out, without baby, we went to a salad/soup bar place, it was just OK and thank goodness we got out before the bus group all piled in.
Saturday night Danny's brother, Hector, came over and we all played domino's and BBQ'd chicken and ribs, or I should say Dave did the BBQ'ing.

It's suppose to be 103 here tomorrow, hopefully we can hold out at the coach without running over to Kim's, we kind of want her to have a day to herself and enjoy the quiet for the last time. :)

Wednesday it's suppose to be 108, welcome to Bakersfield Baby "G"

Spanky Kim and I went and saw "The Strangers" wasn't as scary as you lead us to believe, sorry.

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