Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Miss Madison's test results came back on Monday and she doesn't have either one of the genetic disorders they thought she might have, which is great news no more medication.
Danny went and saw his doctor this morning for his test results, and he just has a fatty liver. The doctor said to exercise, watch what you eat, and watch the drinking. The 1st 2 will be no problem for him, I'm just not to sure of the drinking one though, he loves his sodas, milk and OJ. Maybe if he did drink alcohol, which he very seldom does, a beer once in a great while, it would knock that fatty tissue out, just kidding. Kim, I believe, will really be watching what he eats, but as far as I know he doesn't eat unhealthy, he eats what Kim fixes him. I guess she will have to watch what she fixes now, last night when he got off work he went to the gym and played basketball which is a great workout. Needless to say thank goodness Miss Madison and Danny are fine. Kim is doing a great job at being a new mom, she manages to do it all and get naps in too. She made a fabulous dinner last night for all of us, shredded beef enchiladas, refried beans, grilled onions and peppers and even made up her own Mexican rice. Dave and I were over in the afternoon but we mainly worked in the front yard so Kim did it all by herself and was in good spirits too, I think by nighttime she would be exhausted but not her, amazing.
Last Saturday we drove to Simi and carpooled with David, Jodi and Riley to Bryauna's dance recital. It started at 4pm and wasn't over until 7pm boy was that long. The beginning of the recital was just shocking, the girls had hardly any clothes on and the dance moves I don't think were right for little girls. I thought, boy am I getting old or what, but David and Jodi agreed with me, they were shocked too. After the 1st 2 songs then it looked like a dance recital, most of the time until the high school girls and boys were dancing, they did street dancing. Anyway, Bryauna was in 2 dances and she was fully clothed and did very well. I think from now on any of the grand kids have any preforming things to do, we will be out of town. Just kidding :)
Sunday, Danny's parents came up and had dinner with Kim and Danny, we already had plans so it gave the other set of grandparents time with Miss Madison. They might come again next Saturday and spend the night, that will be a lot easier for them, that way they don't have to make that long drive all in 1 day. Dave wants to make a lasagna dinner if they do come up, one he wants to try from the food channel network.
That's about it for now, every morning we go and play pickle ball, come home have breakfast then sometimes put the swim suits on and go for a swim lay out and read books. Then we go over and visit with Kim and Miss Madison, now slowly working on the front yard again. This darn stock market is sucking up all of our money so all we can do is lay around and not spend any.
Danny went and saw his doctor this morning for his test results, and he just has a fatty liver. The doctor said to exercise, watch what you eat, and watch the drinking. The 1st 2 will be no problem for him, I'm just not to sure of the drinking one though, he loves his sodas, milk and OJ. Maybe if he did drink alcohol, which he very seldom does, a beer once in a great while, it would knock that fatty tissue out, just kidding. Kim, I believe, will really be watching what he eats, but as far as I know he doesn't eat unhealthy, he eats what Kim fixes him. I guess she will have to watch what she fixes now, last night when he got off work he went to the gym and played basketball which is a great workout. Needless to say thank goodness Miss Madison and Danny are fine. Kim is doing a great job at being a new mom, she manages to do it all and get naps in too. She made a fabulous dinner last night for all of us, shredded beef enchiladas, refried beans, grilled onions and peppers and even made up her own Mexican rice. Dave and I were over in the afternoon but we mainly worked in the front yard so Kim did it all by herself and was in good spirits too, I think by nighttime she would be exhausted but not her, amazing.
Last Saturday we drove to Simi and carpooled with David, Jodi and Riley to Bryauna's dance recital. It started at 4pm and wasn't over until 7pm boy was that long. The beginning of the recital was just shocking, the girls had hardly any clothes on and the dance moves I don't think were right for little girls. I thought, boy am I getting old or what, but David and Jodi agreed with me, they were shocked too. After the 1st 2 songs then it looked like a dance recital, most of the time until the high school girls and boys were dancing, they did street dancing. Anyway, Bryauna was in 2 dances and she was fully clothed and did very well. I think from now on any of the grand kids have any preforming things to do, we will be out of town. Just kidding :)
Sunday, Danny's parents came up and had dinner with Kim and Danny, we already had plans so it gave the other set of grandparents time with Miss Madison. They might come again next Saturday and spend the night, that will be a lot easier for them, that way they don't have to make that long drive all in 1 day. Dave wants to make a lasagna dinner if they do come up, one he wants to try from the food channel network.
That's about it for now, every morning we go and play pickle ball, come home have breakfast then sometimes put the swim suits on and go for a swim lay out and read books. Then we go over and visit with Kim and Miss Madison, now slowly working on the front yard again. This darn stock market is sucking up all of our money so all we can do is lay around and not spend any.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Bob Udate/Madison/Marisa/Bloger Misc. Update
Update on Uncle Bob, he is at a facility in Oakland right now, and when a bed becomes available in Alameda he will be moving there. Per Jim and Uncle Bob, he will not be coming home again. He can’t walk the stairs at all and really needs constant care, or at least, care real close by him 24/7 and there is no way Jim can do this by himself. I talked to Uncle Bob this morning he was in good spirits and sounded good and really likes the place he is at in Oakland. Jim wants him to move to Alameda because it is right on the beach and a really nice place. He said this way he could bring the dog when he visits Bob and take them both out on the beach. Jim has always liked the beach, I even said to him Bob is lucky to have him because I don’t think anyone in the family would have taken that much shit plus the work to care for Bob. Come to think of it, maybe Jim is tired of it too and that’s why he wants to get near the ocean, easy place to dump Bob into. :) Just kidding, I think the oxygen tank might float anyway.
Bob’s phone number is 510-834-8199 I wonder if Bob’s daughter, Kathy has been out to see him??? Sorry that was mean of me.
Miss Madison, I have heard the stories about you going potty and poop-poop on your Grandma Gonzalez, your mom and dad. Thank goodness I haven’t got nailed yet, but I know my time will come. Your mama you nailed yesterday peed on her while she was changing you then when she tried to block the shooting spray, you pushed from the back end and nailed her, you got your clothes, blanket, and changing table. Then I heard you broke your daddy in last week, while he was holding you in his arms giving you a bath, you not only peed on his arm you went as far as down his leg. Then last week too, your Grandma Gonzalez was changing you and you peed on her, we are so glad to see that you are a sharing little girl. Just remember you don’t need to share that much with Grandma and Grandpa Alton.
I must say you are a very good girl, most of the time you sleep when you should, and when it is time for feeding, every 2 hours, you do wake up and drink down what is given you. Lately, which is great, is the amount of milk you are taking in is getting to be more and more. You make the most precious faces when sleeping and even more when it is getting close to you waking up, you smile so much, it might just be gas, but at least it's happy gas.
I must say thank goodness for blogs because the last 2 days I have been going thru Marisa’s since Inara was born and believe me Kim and Danny are very lucky compared to what Shawn and Marisa went thru. I have gone thru many of my old blogs for dates of the places we have been or just questions we have had on our travels. They really do come in handy so glad these things were invented. Anyone with a new baby or new anything else should just use the blogs just to jot down things because you sure don’t remember what happened a month ago to mark it in your baby book, repair book or just anything you may need to know in the future. Kim and Danny, hint hint, just make a quick note of any changes you notice even if it seems so minor, I sure wish I would have had one when Kim was born. Not only just about the baby, make notes of things that interest you and about family things. Could you just imagine if we were keeping a blog when Nana and Paka were still alive, we laugh now but we probable would be laughing harder because you just can’t remember everything. Just remember, everyone, your parents and friends won’t be here forever, so make notes of the stories while you can.
OK enough of the deep feeling stuff.
Tomorrow Dave and I go to Bryauna’s dance recital in Oxnard, should be fun, at least we get out of the heat of Bakersfield, just kidding but it is a 10 year old's dance recital, how exciting can that be?? Will let you all know when we get back.
Bob’s phone number is 510-834-8199 I wonder if Bob’s daughter, Kathy has been out to see him??? Sorry that was mean of me.
Miss Madison, I have heard the stories about you going potty and poop-poop on your Grandma Gonzalez, your mom and dad. Thank goodness I haven’t got nailed yet, but I know my time will come. Your mama you nailed yesterday peed on her while she was changing you then when she tried to block the shooting spray, you pushed from the back end and nailed her, you got your clothes, blanket, and changing table. Then I heard you broke your daddy in last week, while he was holding you in his arms giving you a bath, you not only peed on his arm you went as far as down his leg. Then last week too, your Grandma Gonzalez was changing you and you peed on her, we are so glad to see that you are a sharing little girl. Just remember you don’t need to share that much with Grandma and Grandpa Alton.
I must say you are a very good girl, most of the time you sleep when you should, and when it is time for feeding, every 2 hours, you do wake up and drink down what is given you. Lately, which is great, is the amount of milk you are taking in is getting to be more and more. You make the most precious faces when sleeping and even more when it is getting close to you waking up, you smile so much, it might just be gas, but at least it's happy gas.
I must say thank goodness for blogs because the last 2 days I have been going thru Marisa’s since Inara was born and believe me Kim and Danny are very lucky compared to what Shawn and Marisa went thru. I have gone thru many of my old blogs for dates of the places we have been or just questions we have had on our travels. They really do come in handy so glad these things were invented. Anyone with a new baby or new anything else should just use the blogs just to jot down things because you sure don’t remember what happened a month ago to mark it in your baby book, repair book or just anything you may need to know in the future. Kim and Danny, hint hint, just make a quick note of any changes you notice even if it seems so minor, I sure wish I would have had one when Kim was born. Not only just about the baby, make notes of things that interest you and about family things. Could you just imagine if we were keeping a blog when Nana and Paka were still alive, we laugh now but we probable would be laughing harder because you just can’t remember everything. Just remember, everyone, your parents and friends won’t be here forever, so make notes of the stories while you can.
OK enough of the deep feeling stuff.
Tomorrow Dave and I go to Bryauna’s dance recital in Oxnard, should be fun, at least we get out of the heat of Bakersfield, just kidding but it is a 10 year old's dance recital, how exciting can that be?? Will let you all know when we get back.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Today was Danny's 1st day to go back to work since Miss Madison was born. I haven't talked to him but Kim said that her and Miss Madison walked him out to the car and waved bye to him. He called in the afternoon right after I got there to check on Mom and Baby, he had Kim put the phone on speaker so he could talk to Miss Madison, very cute. Kim did say she was going to give Miss Madison a bath this morning but Danny wanted her to wait until he got home, and Kim said "No Problem". She said when Danny gets home from work, he gets Little Missy Girl and she(Kim) is going to take a nap, will find out tomorrow if that played out.
Yesterday, Sunday, Dave and I went over in the afternoon and were staying for Danny's Lasagna Dinner, Dave was fixing Garlic Bread and I was doing the asparagus. Anyway, when we got there Danny had gotten home from Target and I looked at Kim and said "you must be going stir crazy not being able to just take off in the car and go shopping". She looks and me and tells me she left this morning, by herself, and went grocery shopping while Danny watched the baby.
I told her she was crazy, she isn't suppose to drive for 3 weeks, or until the doctor releases her, then I went after Danny, as he says I was yelling at him. He is saying to me "Why are you yelling at me" and I said what were you thinking letting Kim drive? Then he remembers that Kim wasn't suppose to drive, so then he went after Kim. Kim, being the shit she is, just smiles and says, well (Danny) you didn't stop me so I just drove slow and went shopping. Danny said he was changing the baby and feeding her and had forgotten all about it. I had said to everyone last week that we needed to take her car keys away from her because I know her, I would have done the same thing so I knew she would. With Danny back at work now, I don't believe she will try driving again, Miss Madison is just too new to be putting in and out of the car seat.
That's it for now, I could go on forever about Miss Madison, but I'll probably lose all my readerships if I did.
Yesterday, Sunday, Dave and I went over in the afternoon and were staying for Danny's Lasagna Dinner, Dave was fixing Garlic Bread and I was doing the asparagus. Anyway, when we got there Danny had gotten home from Target and I looked at Kim and said "you must be going stir crazy not being able to just take off in the car and go shopping". She looks and me and tells me she left this morning, by herself, and went grocery shopping while Danny watched the baby.
I told her she was crazy, she isn't suppose to drive for 3 weeks, or until the doctor releases her, then I went after Danny, as he says I was yelling at him. He is saying to me "Why are you yelling at me" and I said what were you thinking letting Kim drive? Then he remembers that Kim wasn't suppose to drive, so then he went after Kim. Kim, being the shit she is, just smiles and says, well (Danny) you didn't stop me so I just drove slow and went shopping. Danny said he was changing the baby and feeding her and had forgotten all about it. I had said to everyone last week that we needed to take her car keys away from her because I know her, I would have done the same thing so I knew she would. With Danny back at work now, I don't believe she will try driving again, Miss Madison is just too new to be putting in and out of the car seat.
That's it for now, I could go on forever about Miss Madison, but I'll probably lose all my readerships if I did.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Hope you were surprised Mike with the party, Marisa, Spanky, and Trini worked real hard on it, so you would be surprised, they even put the party off until Miss Madison was born so that we, meaning the Alton's and Gonzalez's could make it. If she would had planned on having it the weekend of your birthday, I don't believe we would have made it. The 1st few days Kim, Danny and Miss Madison really needed our help but now after 10 days they are doing great on their own, or at least Kim and Danny are, Miss Madison still wants Grandma and Grandpa Alton to hold her while she sleeps.
Thank you for having the party, the food was great, the people were fun, and it was nice to see Mike still able to walk around on his own, I mean 60 years old, boy is he getting up there. I remember when we were younger and seeing Mom and Pop, Nana and Paka to the grandkids, that was so old 60, but now that we are all getting there....I still have 10 yrs to go.... it really isn't that old. It's all in your mind and I know our minds are still young. Just look at Bob Miller, you can tell he is still young, because he has a long ponytail on that head of his.
Anyway, this was Miss Madison's 1st real outing from Bakersfield Kim and Danny got to show this new little, and I mean little, beauty off to the family.(You have to agree she is a little beauty). Baby Girl, Inara, that little cutey with the chubby checks, looked hugh, compared to Miss Madison, Marisa and Shawn couldn't even remember Inara being that small. Mike and Trini had a house full of beautiful little girls, I think it's about time, for the child bearing ones, to start producing boys, Kim you have to wait awhile.
It's was great seeing everyone and seeing all the kids around, sure brings back the memories of 42 years ago, when Caryn Lee was 1st born and little kids starting showing up, too bad Marty wasn't there, and Vance too.
Mike we all can't wait for you to spend time with Miss Madison and give her the Uncle Mike Tomaselli name, sorry we didn't have enough time on your surprise birthday.
Thank you for having the party, the food was great, the people were fun, and it was nice to see Mike still able to walk around on his own, I mean 60 years old, boy is he getting up there. I remember when we were younger and seeing Mom and Pop, Nana and Paka to the grandkids, that was so old 60, but now that we are all getting there....I still have 10 yrs to go.... it really isn't that old. It's all in your mind and I know our minds are still young. Just look at Bob Miller, you can tell he is still young, because he has a long ponytail on that head of his.
Anyway, this was Miss Madison's 1st real outing from Bakersfield Kim and Danny got to show this new little, and I mean little, beauty off to the family.(You have to agree she is a little beauty). Baby Girl, Inara, that little cutey with the chubby checks, looked hugh, compared to Miss Madison, Marisa and Shawn couldn't even remember Inara being that small. Mike and Trini had a house full of beautiful little girls, I think it's about time, for the child bearing ones, to start producing boys, Kim you have to wait awhile.
It's was great seeing everyone and seeing all the kids around, sure brings back the memories of 42 years ago, when Caryn Lee was 1st born and little kids starting showing up, too bad Marty wasn't there, and Vance too.
Mike we all can't wait for you to spend time with Miss Madison and give her the Uncle Mike Tomaselli name, sorry we didn't have enough time on your surprise birthday.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Dave took Danny at 6:15am to have a Liver biopsy, his count has come out a little high and Nurse Kim wanted it checked out. Dave had him back home by 8:30 and he was very sleepy and very sore, the doctor had told him his chest would feel like he had been kicked by a horse, and it did.
Dave then drove Kim and Miss Madison to the doctors to get weighted again and she had gained 2 1/2 oz., which is great. The doctor said she should be gaining 1/2 to 1 oz a day which she has done since Monday, good job Miss Madison.:)
Dave ended up driving Kim because Danny was still kind of out of it and he said I would wait on Danny a lot more then he would.
Danny's results should be back in about a week at the most so will let everyone know what they find out.
Danny's Mom, Kathy, and older brother, Alex, came late this afternoon to see the baby and visit for a while. At 5pm I went and picked Kim up so she could have a hair cut while Danny, Miss Madison, Grandma Gonzalez and Uncle Alex could sit and visit. Kim isn't allowed to drive for 3 weeks, doctor's orders, so if she wants to go somewhere she has to ask someone to take her, and I know she hates that. She hates it so much that when Danny goes back to work next week I think we should take her car keys away from her, believe me I know that girl.
That's about it for now, that was the news I was talking about in the last blog.
Dave then drove Kim and Miss Madison to the doctors to get weighted again and she had gained 2 1/2 oz., which is great. The doctor said she should be gaining 1/2 to 1 oz a day which she has done since Monday, good job Miss Madison.:)
Dave ended up driving Kim because Danny was still kind of out of it and he said I would wait on Danny a lot more then he would.
Danny's results should be back in about a week at the most so will let everyone know what they find out.
Danny's Mom, Kathy, and older brother, Alex, came late this afternoon to see the baby and visit for a while. At 5pm I went and picked Kim up so she could have a hair cut while Danny, Miss Madison, Grandma Gonzalez and Uncle Alex could sit and visit. Kim isn't allowed to drive for 3 weeks, doctor's orders, so if she wants to go somewhere she has to ask someone to take her, and I know she hates that. She hates it so much that when Danny goes back to work next week I think we should take her car keys away from her, believe me I know that girl.
That's about it for now, that was the news I was talking about in the last blog.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Dave and I did our real 1st babysitting job to Miss Madison. Kim and Danny went to the OB Doc so Kim could have her staples taken out, so Dave and I had Miss Madison all to ourselves to babysit and feed. Kim called me and said they were just leaving the doctors and there was no pain with the staples coming out then she went on to say that they talked about birth control methods that she could use in 5 weeks, I was thinking...Keep your knees together... but she said they talked about some other method because of the breast feeding. Sorry Danny you just have to wait a while.:)
Kim's appointment was at 1:30pm so they left about 1:15 then called me at 2:10 and said don't wait for them just give Miss Madison her bottle of breast milk at 2:15. Dave had a doctor appointment at 2:50 for the foot doctor, so there I am all alone with Miss Madison. We had a long talk about her finishing her bottle or else I was in trouble, then about how to torment her parents when she gets older. She told me she has her Daddy wrapped around her finger already and if anyone wants to see him jump just ask her, he does what ever she wants.
Dave got back from his docs at 3:20 and still no Kim and Danny, they finally called me at 3:30 and said they had so many errands to run but they were on their way home. When they got home they realized being gone for that long without Madison they felt like a part of them was missing, which is good for 1st time parents, wait till the rest of the kids come and they will feel differently, just kidding.:)
More news tomorrow, but at 4pm today 101 degrees Dave and I went to the tennis courts and practiced a little pickle ball. Dave has gotten the green light from all of his doctors so we went and tried again. Will see tomorrow how he feels, will let you know about Dave and the happenings that are going on tomorrow.
Kim's appointment was at 1:30pm so they left about 1:15 then called me at 2:10 and said don't wait for them just give Miss Madison her bottle of breast milk at 2:15. Dave had a doctor appointment at 2:50 for the foot doctor, so there I am all alone with Miss Madison. We had a long talk about her finishing her bottle or else I was in trouble, then about how to torment her parents when she gets older. She told me she has her Daddy wrapped around her finger already and if anyone wants to see him jump just ask her, he does what ever she wants.
Dave got back from his docs at 3:20 and still no Kim and Danny, they finally called me at 3:30 and said they had so many errands to run but they were on their way home. When they got home they realized being gone for that long without Madison they felt like a part of them was missing, which is good for 1st time parents, wait till the rest of the kids come and they will feel differently, just kidding.:)
More news tomorrow, but at 4pm today 101 degrees Dave and I went to the tennis courts and practiced a little pickle ball. Dave has gotten the green light from all of his doctors so we went and tried again. Will see tomorrow how he feels, will let you know about Dave and the happenings that are going on tomorrow.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Sorry I didn't blog yesterday, so I wanted to wish a belated "Happy 60th" Birthday wish to my brother, Mike. I know his birthday wish came true, he had his Granddaughter, Inara, with him. He had the rest of the family too but grand babies are very special, I know I have one now. My brother, Marty, said he knew I was older then him because I'm a grandma now, he just doesn't know what he is missing.
Yesterday morning, Sunday, Dave and I went over and made the kids breakfast. Dave made Danny his waffles and I did the turkey bacon, sausage and scrambled eggs. Dave and I then went home to work on the air conditioner and managed to get it working again, yea. Then in the afternoon we went back over and made a couple meals for Kim and Danny, one to have for dinner and the other to freeze for later on. Kim got her beef stew and then I made a chicken soup for their dinner. Danny ended up having both for dinner then they froze the rest for lunches and dinners for later on. We didn't have dinner with them because if we do it defeats the purpose of the leftovers for meals for later on, like when Danny goes back to work and Kim quits cooking for him.:)
Oh, by the way, when we went back to the coach the air conditioning had quit working again, so another hot night.
This morning Dave decided to move the coil from the working air conditioner to the back one to see if that was the problem and when he got the cover off the non working one he found the motor start compositor was burned up. Needless to say Dave made some phone calls to see if anyone had the part and one place did, an RV Repair place, for $39.95 he called a motor place and they had it for $9.95. He went and got the cheaper one installed it and everything is working great. We went over to Kim's tonight fixed dinner came back to the coach and it is still working. Just pisses me off how much the RV repair place jacks up the price of an item, thant goodness Dave made that other call and didn't stop at the 1st place.
Miss Madison had her 1st doctor appointment today and she is now 5lb 3oz, just what she was when she left the hospital, she had lost 10oz but the doctors were OK with it. Kim said the doctor wants her fed every 2 hours, wake her and feed her. She goes back on Thursday and everyone is hoping she has gained some weight, which she will. It's a little tough breast feeding right now, but she's a little peanut and will catch on. Almost everyone we have talked to has said it can take up to 3 weeks before every thing goes smoothly, Kim's not a quiter and either is Miss Madison and before long they will be in sync, and she won't even remember having problems. The same thing happened to me with Kim, every 2 hours and she kept falling asleep on me, and you know I have no patients so if I could do it, she surely can.
Those of you that looked at the pictures of Miss Madison, that David Jr. took, those were just the rough draft, he will be cleaning them up and you will be seeing the shading difference with her hair and the black background. But isn't she just a doll no matter what the picture looks like????
Miss Madison already has her Daddy wrapped around her finger.:)
Marisa, Inara is going to look hugh when she gets around her cousin, Miss Madison.
Yesterday morning, Sunday, Dave and I went over and made the kids breakfast. Dave made Danny his waffles and I did the turkey bacon, sausage and scrambled eggs. Dave and I then went home to work on the air conditioner and managed to get it working again, yea. Then in the afternoon we went back over and made a couple meals for Kim and Danny, one to have for dinner and the other to freeze for later on. Kim got her beef stew and then I made a chicken soup for their dinner. Danny ended up having both for dinner then they froze the rest for lunches and dinners for later on. We didn't have dinner with them because if we do it defeats the purpose of the leftovers for meals for later on, like when Danny goes back to work and Kim quits cooking for him.:)
Oh, by the way, when we went back to the coach the air conditioning had quit working again, so another hot night.
This morning Dave decided to move the coil from the working air conditioner to the back one to see if that was the problem and when he got the cover off the non working one he found the motor start compositor was burned up. Needless to say Dave made some phone calls to see if anyone had the part and one place did, an RV Repair place, for $39.95 he called a motor place and they had it for $9.95. He went and got the cheaper one installed it and everything is working great. We went over to Kim's tonight fixed dinner came back to the coach and it is still working. Just pisses me off how much the RV repair place jacks up the price of an item, thant goodness Dave made that other call and didn't stop at the 1st place.
Miss Madison had her 1st doctor appointment today and she is now 5lb 3oz, just what she was when she left the hospital, she had lost 10oz but the doctors were OK with it. Kim said the doctor wants her fed every 2 hours, wake her and feed her. She goes back on Thursday and everyone is hoping she has gained some weight, which she will. It's a little tough breast feeding right now, but she's a little peanut and will catch on. Almost everyone we have talked to has said it can take up to 3 weeks before every thing goes smoothly, Kim's not a quiter and either is Miss Madison and before long they will be in sync, and she won't even remember having problems. The same thing happened to me with Kim, every 2 hours and she kept falling asleep on me, and you know I have no patients so if I could do it, she surely can.
Those of you that looked at the pictures of Miss Madison, that David Jr. took, those were just the rough draft, he will be cleaning them up and you will be seeing the shading difference with her hair and the black background. But isn't she just a doll no matter what the picture looks like????
Miss Madison already has her Daddy wrapped around her finger.:)
Marisa, Inara is going to look hugh when she gets around her cousin, Miss Madison.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Just got back to the coach, we have been at Miss Madison's house all day or at least since 10am this morning.
This little Missy is very demanding of all the attention, she doesn't ask for it... not at all... it's just she is such a little thing and she seems to know that someone or everyone will be watching over her 24 hours a day. Her mommy and daddy try and get some sleep when she is sleeping but that isn't working too well right now. She is more then happy to let her parents sleep while Grandma and Grandpa Alton are there,
because she knows we will not take our eyes off of her, but Kim and Danny haven't learned yet to take full advantage of the time yet, oh, but they will.
Kim and Danny are doing well, just very tired, we went over this morning and made them breakfast and I fixed dinner for them too. Danny made a comment that if I wasn't fixing them food that they probably wouldn't eat. This afternoon David, Jodi, and Riley came up to see Miss Madison and then David got some great pictures of her. I'll tell you what, this little girl is a ham for the camera. Every time Kim or Danny change her diaper she cries, boy, for the photo shoot they laid her down completely naked and she was wide eyed and almost posing for the camera, too funny. As soon as David down loads them to his website I'll post the address and you all can see the pictures. Lets see, she likes to be naked and poses for the camera, I hope this doesn't mean something for what she will be doing in the future. :)
It was nice to get everyone home from the hospital yesterday, not only did Danny move into the hospital with Kim and little Missy, but Dave and I kind of feel like we did too. You know normally if you are visiting anyone in the hospital you want to get out of there as soon as possible but not this time, it was never a dull moment watching little Missy and helping Kim try and breast feed. I know for Dave it wasn't any fun because he had to stay behind the curtain at feeding time and believe me the feeding times lasted up to 2 hours at some times. We would go early in the morning and not come home till late at night. We did get to sneak away in the late afternoon and relax a little, feed the dogs, then back to the hospital, but it was well worth it.
We went back to Miss Madison's at 6pm to fix dinner for the adults, but it was her feeding time again, so Grandma and Grandpa ended up eating by themselves. We stayed for a little bit then headed back to the coach, Kim and Danny would eat later they said. When we got back to the coach the air conditioner had gone out again. We ended up just staying in the living room until late, opened up the windows and turned the fan on in the bedroom and it managed to cool down enough so you could sleep in there. Valley stayed in the living room in the air conditioned room, smart dog.
That's about it for now, tired, tomorrow we will go over early in the morning and fix breakfast, and try and let mommy and daddy get some sleep.
Kim and Danny are doing well, just very tired, we went over this morning and made them breakfast and I fixed dinner for them too. Danny made a comment that if I wasn't fixing them food that they probably wouldn't eat. This afternoon David, Jodi, and Riley came up to see Miss Madison and then David got some great pictures of her. I'll tell you what, this little girl is a ham for the camera. Every time Kim or Danny change her diaper she cries, boy, for the photo shoot they laid her down completely naked and she was wide eyed and almost posing for the camera, too funny. As soon as David down loads them to his website I'll post the address and you all can see the pictures. Lets see, she likes to be naked and poses for the camera, I hope this doesn't mean something for what she will be doing in the future. :)
We went back to Miss Madison's at 6pm to fix dinner for the adults, but it was her feeding time again, so Grandma and Grandpa ended up eating by themselves. We stayed for a little bit then headed back to the coach, Kim and Danny would eat later they said. When we got back to the coach the air conditioner had gone out again. We ended up just staying in the living room until late, opened up the windows and turned the fan on in the bedroom and it managed to cool down enough so you could sleep in there. Valley stayed in the living room in the air conditioned room, smart dog.
That's about it for now, tired, tomorrow we will go over early in the morning and fix breakfast, and try and let mommy and daddy get some sleep.
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
It's a Girl
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
New pictures are posted so now my camera is emptied out and the next pictures posted will be related to the baby.
Dave's last post was to see if he could do the blog from his phone, he will post there if the baby is a boy or girl.
Nothing new to report from last night.
Dave's last post was to see if he could do the blog from his phone, he will post there if the baby is a boy or girl.
Nothing new to report from last night.
Monday, July 07, 2008
Went to the doctor's today for the last appointment before the baby. Kim is 3rd on the surgery list for Wednesday, July 9th, so the doctor said it would be around 9am when she goes into the operating room. I'm guessing around 9:30 we should know if it's a boy or a girl and who wins the guessing contest. Everyone but 1 person guessed that it is going to be a boy, so if it's a girl Jodi Alton wins the contest, will post on the next blog along with a picture of the baby.
After the doctor's Kim and I went to the hospital for her blood work, so everything is ready on the hospital end.
Today Dave, Kim and I did the last of the cleaning and laundry so the home front is ready, except for the bathroom toilets and the front shower, that's Danny's job, we had to leave him something to do. Dave did the floors today using the cleaning machine and got them real clean and shiny.
On July 4th, Danny had the day off so we all went shopping and got the bassinet and baby bath tub, so the baby is all set for furniture now. I believe tomorrow is going to be the longest day for Kim and Danny, I know Danny is starting to get nervous, Kim is still pretty cool and collected, just wait.
Sunday night Kim got her pick of restaurants to go to because Monday the doctor said to start on a soft food diet because of the c-section, so she picked BJ's Brewery and she was a little bummed that she couldn't have her berry beer that she likes. Tonight for their last night out, without baby, we went to a salad/soup bar place, it was just OK and thank goodness we got out before the bus group all piled in.
Saturday night Danny's brother, Hector, came over and we all played domino's and BBQ'd chicken and ribs, or I should say Dave did the BBQ'ing.
It's suppose to be 103 here tomorrow, hopefully we can hold out at the coach without running over to Kim's, we kind of want her to have a day to herself and enjoy the quiet for the last time. :)
Wednesday it's suppose to be 108, welcome to Bakersfield Baby "G"
Spanky Kim and I went and saw "The Strangers" wasn't as scary as you lead us to believe, sorry.
After the doctor's Kim and I went to the hospital for her blood work, so everything is ready on the hospital end.
Today Dave, Kim and I did the last of the cleaning and laundry so the home front is ready, except for the bathroom toilets and the front shower, that's Danny's job, we had to leave him something to do. Dave did the floors today using the cleaning machine and got them real clean and shiny.
On July 4th, Danny had the day off so we all went shopping and got the bassinet and baby bath tub, so the baby is all set for furniture now. I believe tomorrow is going to be the longest day for Kim and Danny, I know Danny is starting to get nervous, Kim is still pretty cool and collected, just wait.
Sunday night Kim got her pick of restaurants to go to because Monday the doctor said to start on a soft food diet because of the c-section, so she picked BJ's Brewery and she was a little bummed that she couldn't have her berry beer that she likes. Tonight for their last night out, without baby, we went to a salad/soup bar place, it was just OK and thank goodness we got out before the bus group all piled in.
Saturday night Danny's brother, Hector, came over and we all played domino's and BBQ'd chicken and ribs, or I should say Dave did the BBQ'ing.
It's suppose to be 103 here tomorrow, hopefully we can hold out at the coach without running over to Kim's, we kind of want her to have a day to herself and enjoy the quiet for the last time. :)
Wednesday it's suppose to be 108, welcome to Bakersfield Baby "G"
Spanky Kim and I went and saw "The Strangers" wasn't as scary as you lead us to believe, sorry.
Thursday, July 03, 2008
It's after 6pm now so it's down to 5 1/2 days, also wanted to say "Happy Birthday Mom, Nana, Grandma, or Beth Tomaselli" what ever you called her while she was alive.
Today was cement pouring day, OMG!!! It turned out to be a lot more cement then Dave thought it would be, and he thanks Danny and I, very much, for all the help. Poor Danny, it was his late day of going into work so he was up at 7am waiting for Dave and I to show up with the cement, boy was he sorry. I just really thank God that he was there, if it had just been Dave and I, I don't believe we would have ever finished. Danny had to quit at 11am and Dave and I finally left at 2pm, and boy were we tired. I'll tell you, I'm going back to work this retired life sucks, what ever happened to taking it slow and relaxing??? We got back to the coach about 2:30 so I could take a shower, Dave took one at Kim's because he had a change of clothes there I didn't. Anyway, he dropped Valley and I off then went back to drop off the cement tools we had rented, rent a movie, return a Wii game, go to the bank, then get the car washed. He got back to the coach at 4pm, I had put out some salami, cheese and crackers, since we hadn't had lunch (Kim doesn't feed us, all though she did bring us water once while we were working, :) just kidding Kim) we had some snacks then promptly fell asleep. We both woke up 15 min. later and both complained that ever part of our bodies hurt. Dave hurt more then me that's for sure, he and Danny did a lot harder work then I did, hope Danny is feeling OK.
The 1st part of the week was Kim and I doing a deep cleaning of the house again, it is a never ending story. Hopefully with this new cement we poured and the new lawn, in the back, it will cut down on the dirt the dog/dogs track in. Kim is finishing up her scrap booking so on Monday we can clean the living room and her bedroom and Dave can polish the wood floors, then we should all be really for the baby. Danny has bathroom duty, showers and toilets, I just hate doing those so I'll let him chip in and help so he doesn't feel left out. :)
Happy 4th of July tomorrow, don't' know what project we will be doing yet, but I'm sure I let you know on the next update.
Today was cement pouring day, OMG!!! It turned out to be a lot more cement then Dave thought it would be, and he thanks Danny and I, very much, for all the help. Poor Danny, it was his late day of going into work so he was up at 7am waiting for Dave and I to show up with the cement, boy was he sorry. I just really thank God that he was there, if it had just been Dave and I, I don't believe we would have ever finished. Danny had to quit at 11am and Dave and I finally left at 2pm, and boy were we tired. I'll tell you, I'm going back to work this retired life sucks, what ever happened to taking it slow and relaxing??? We got back to the coach about 2:30 so I could take a shower, Dave took one at Kim's because he had a change of clothes there I didn't. Anyway, he dropped Valley and I off then went back to drop off the cement tools we had rented, rent a movie, return a Wii game, go to the bank, then get the car washed. He got back to the coach at 4pm, I had put out some salami, cheese and crackers, since we hadn't had lunch (Kim doesn't feed us, all though she did bring us water once while we were working, :) just kidding Kim) we had some snacks then promptly fell asleep. We both woke up 15 min. later and both complained that ever part of our bodies hurt. Dave hurt more then me that's for sure, he and Danny did a lot harder work then I did, hope Danny is feeling OK.
The 1st part of the week was Kim and I doing a deep cleaning of the house again, it is a never ending story. Hopefully with this new cement we poured and the new lawn, in the back, it will cut down on the dirt the dog/dogs track in. Kim is finishing up her scrap booking so on Monday we can clean the living room and her bedroom and Dave can polish the wood floors, then we should all be really for the baby. Danny has bathroom duty, showers and toilets, I just hate doing those so I'll let him chip in and help so he doesn't feel left out. :)
Happy 4th of July tomorrow, don't' know what project we will be doing yet, but I'm sure I let you know on the next update.
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