August 30, 2007 we are now at a KOA in Saint - Nicolas, Levis Quebec Canada. We only drove 4 hours today so we could go into Old Town Quebec and check it out, we had heard it was worth a look see, which it was. Dave took pictures and he will post later, but so nice to see all the old buildings and coble stone sidewalks, the streets aren't coble stone though. Everything here is in French, well almost everything, the rest of Canada is printed in English and French, road signs, construction signs, ect. One thing about the truckers though is they don't warn all the other truckers about where all the police are, very strange. We have listened to a few of them speaking in French, kind of like the U.S. you hear a few speak Spanish.
Last night we couldn't get any internet service because a tree was in our way, now tonight we have internet but no TV service, thank goodness we have DVD's with us, but the big bummer is this is Big Brother Night, I'm not a happy camper. Anyway, last night we stayed at Lakeview Campsite in Stomont Quebec Canada, very small park and everyone there had to come by and see the big RV, they didn't talk to us but they did walk by.
Tomorrow we have a really long drive, if we leave by 7am if we are lucky we will get to the next campsite at 6pm, that's where we are meeting our friends, Lee and Vicki plus their dog Fleetwood. It's only a long day because we wanted to stop and check out Old Town Quebec. The rain started last night and we had some today, but walking around Quebec it was just overcast, but had to where long pants, which I hate to do, plus where jackets.
That's about it for now.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Here we are getting wet at Niagara Falls. Boy is this is an impressive place. All of the pictures are posted at the Picasa web albums site. Just click on the picture below of us at Rushmore to see our pictures from the month of August.
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August 2007 |
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
August 28, 2007 we are staying at Four Mile Creek State Campground in Youngstown, New York. We got here about 10:30am, it took us almost an hour to get thru the U.S. Border from Canada. They were having cars and trailers pulling off to the side to really inspect the vehicles. We knew we were going to be pulled over so Dave is quizzing me on everything that we had in the coach, alcohol, food ect. he was going to tell them everything we had, he said what they are mainly looking for is the alcohol and not paying the taxes on it. We didn't even go into a store in Canada so we were going to be screwed on the stuff we already had. We gave them our drivers license plus passports, told them we were just driving to Niagara Falls thru Canada from Illinois and they said Thank you very much you can go, yea.
Anyway, we went to Niagara Falls as soon as we got to the campground and boy did we have a lot of fun. What an amazing thing to see,just amazing really, plus we had great weather, in the low 80's, it was a perfect day. We will post pictures soon, Dave took a ton of them.
A couple stories, I want to share. Last Sunday we stopped at a Flying J for fuel, of course, and since it was Sunday and we didn't go out for breakfast, that's our rule every since being on the road, we decided to stop and have lunch. When Dave pulled into the truckers side, right between 2 big rigs I had asked him to turn on the generator so we could put the air conditioner on for Valley while we had lunch, it was still pretty warm outside and in the rig. I started walking towards the back of the coach then turned around and asked Dave if we were moving, he said "NO" it was the rig next to us that was leaving. I said seeing the movement out the windows was making me sick and I couldn't look so I turned around and starting walking to the back of the rig (no windows to see from) The next thing I almost fall because Dave slammed on the brakes, I thought something hit us, he said it was us moving he had forgotten to put the brake on, he put it in neutrol but didn't put the brake on and it was us moving. Thank goodness no damage done, just a good scare, ever since then every time we stop I ask Dave "did you put the brake on"?
With the CB Radio we get to listen to the truckers so we are slowly learning the Ling-go like "Evel Knievel" is a motorcycle cop, "Bear" is a marked car officer and "Plain White Wrapper" is a white cop car unmarked. They really get on the CB's informing all the other drivers about where they are too, and by the way if the cops have someone pulled over you know that to, because they say they have a "customer" and are busy right now. If you screw up driving in anyway with the truckers they get on their CB's with that too, to tell the others. We know this because Dave was passing some trucks then got back in behind another truck because there was a car behind him, which I knew was stupid because the truck he got behind was going to slow, anyway he had to hit his brakes because, like I said the truck he got behind was too slow. Needless to say when we got back in the trucker behind us that we had passed had gotten on the CB and said to the others that the Asshole motorhome passes him then cuts back in and hits his brakes, well Dave hears this and tells the trucker to watch his language and the trucker gets back on and says "Fuckyou". I tell Dave "please don't get in fights with the truckers" I did it nicely, yea right. He was wrong and I told him so, and please don't fuck with the truckers.
On the highway in Indiana it is posted "hit a highway worker there is a $10,000 fine and 14 years in jail" in Michigan the fine is $7,500.00 and 15 years in prison, we sure as hell don't post anything like that in California.
This has been long enough, we hit the road again tomorrow, we were suppose to stay 2 days but we still have 1000 miles to drive to meet our friends in New Brunswick, Canada on Friday. So back to Canada driving tomorrow.
Anyway, we went to Niagara Falls as soon as we got to the campground and boy did we have a lot of fun. What an amazing thing to see,just amazing really, plus we had great weather, in the low 80's, it was a perfect day. We will post pictures soon, Dave took a ton of them.
A couple stories, I want to share. Last Sunday we stopped at a Flying J for fuel, of course, and since it was Sunday and we didn't go out for breakfast, that's our rule every since being on the road, we decided to stop and have lunch. When Dave pulled into the truckers side, right between 2 big rigs I had asked him to turn on the generator so we could put the air conditioner on for Valley while we had lunch, it was still pretty warm outside and in the rig. I started walking towards the back of the coach then turned around and asked Dave if we were moving, he said "NO" it was the rig next to us that was leaving. I said seeing the movement out the windows was making me sick and I couldn't look so I turned around and starting walking to the back of the rig (no windows to see from) The next thing I almost fall because Dave slammed on the brakes, I thought something hit us, he said it was us moving he had forgotten to put the brake on, he put it in neutrol but didn't put the brake on and it was us moving. Thank goodness no damage done, just a good scare, ever since then every time we stop I ask Dave "did you put the brake on"?
With the CB Radio we get to listen to the truckers so we are slowly learning the Ling-go like "Evel Knievel" is a motorcycle cop, "Bear" is a marked car officer and "Plain White Wrapper" is a white cop car unmarked. They really get on the CB's informing all the other drivers about where they are too, and by the way if the cops have someone pulled over you know that to, because they say they have a "customer" and are busy right now. If you screw up driving in anyway with the truckers they get on their CB's with that too, to tell the others. We know this because Dave was passing some trucks then got back in behind another truck because there was a car behind him, which I knew was stupid because the truck he got behind was going to slow, anyway he had to hit his brakes because, like I said the truck he got behind was too slow. Needless to say when we got back in the trucker behind us that we had passed had gotten on the CB and said to the others that the Asshole motorhome passes him then cuts back in and hits his brakes, well Dave hears this and tells the trucker to watch his language and the trucker gets back on and says "Fuckyou". I tell Dave "please don't get in fights with the truckers" I did it nicely, yea right. He was wrong and I told him so, and please don't fuck with the truckers.
On the highway in Indiana it is posted "hit a highway worker there is a $10,000 fine and 14 years in jail" in Michigan the fine is $7,500.00 and 15 years in prison, we sure as hell don't post anything like that in California.
This has been long enough, we hit the road again tomorrow, we were suppose to stay 2 days but we still have 1000 miles to drive to meet our friends in New Brunswick, Canada on Friday. So back to Canada driving tomorrow.
Monday, August 27, 2007
August 27, 2007 we are at Clearville Park Municipality of Chathm-Kent in Canada somewhere. Finding a RV park after driving all day was a nightmare, but this place is beautiful, right on the water and the weather is great. Drove all day and got here too late to really update my blog, but I'm keeping notes so hopefully I won't forget what I want to share. We will leave early in the morning and get to Niagra Falls, NY early tomorrow so we can do some touring around. Can't wait to meet up with our friends in New Brunswick Canada so we can finally slow down and enjoy this travelling, which will be on August 31st.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
August 26, 2007 we just stopped for the night at Utica, Illinois at a campground called Hickory Hollow. I must say driving thru Iowa they will never be short on corn. It seems like their lands are filled with rows and rows of corn fields. When we crossed over into Illinois I was seeing the same thing. When we stopped at the Flying J for Diesel Fuel Kim called, they are having a great time and had taken a plane over to Oahu to Honolulu and taken a tour of Pearl Harbor. I had told her even though she had seen it Danny really needed to see it for himself. They took the tour of that and the Missouri then Danielle came and picked them up and drove them around to see the island. Danielle was one of Kim's bridesmaid that had flown in for the wedding, she is in the navy and is stationed in Oahu, I know, tough life. I'm on Dave's computer right now because where we are we can't get my computer working, so I'm going to end now so this gets posted. Hopefully tomorrow I can complete my writings, I do have some funny stuff to tell you.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
August 25, 2007 we just stopped at a Casino parking lot right outside of Sioux City Iowa.
I'm just not going to get a chance to really get caught up on everything so I'm just going to do a recap of the last week, your probably saying "thank goodness" we now won't have to read a long blog.
August 18th, Kim and Danny's wedding went by so fast, it was almost perfect, we had forgotten to give Barbara, the lady that kept everything running smoothly, where the table numbers should have been. So needless to say some of my family members were put in the other room where they couldn't see everything at dinner time when they should have been in the opposite room. The lower number tables should have been in the same room as the wedding party but they weren't, sorry that was our fault. Plus, Rosie and Bob Miller were suppose to be seating at Trini's table but I heard they moved to a table were they knew no one because Rosie wanted to be close to the door for the cool night air.
Sunday, was brunch at El Patio with family and some of the wedding party, I believe that went very smooth too.
Dave and I got on the road about 1pm and stopped in Primm Nevada and dry camped at Buffalo Bills. As soon as we parked my brother, Vance, had called me and asked where we were because my niece, Caryn, had been in a car accident in Lancaster and their car was totalled. Thank God Caryn, Joe and Carlee were all OK, but Vance said "shit" you are farther away then I am, so we couldn't help them. They ended up at a motel for the night and getting a rent a car for their drive back to Bishop.
Monday we got going early and stopped in St. George, Utah and had breakfast with my Aunt Evelyn. All we did was talk and laugh for the next couple hours until we had to get back on the road again. We stopped Monday night at Fillmore, Utah nice little park. We, of course, got going early on Tuesday and stopped in Deer Creek, Utah and visited with Stan and Ginger, who we had met in Oregon at the Monaco facility last year, sorry can't forget Katie Girl, their dog who loves Valley too. Once we got back on the road we ended up stopping for the night at the Western Hills Campground, in Rawlins, Wyoming and we had gotten the last full hook-up so that tells you how full they were.
That brings us up to Hart Ranch in Black Hills South Dakota, where I last wrote. We went to Mt. Rushmore and Crazy Horse on Thursday then that night we went back to Mt. Rushmore to watch they show they put on and see the presidents lit up in the lights. I wouldn't recommend the night show because they don't have enough lights but seeing it during the day and taking the ranger tour was great. Crazy Horse was not worth the money, $20.00 to get in and it's not even close to being done. Seeing Mt. Rushmore was only $8.00 and well worth it. Friday we did driving all day through the country side, where the buffalo, deer, antalope and donkeys were right in the road and you would have to sit and wait for them to move. We stopped at Wind Cave and did an 1 1/2 tour with the ranger which was a great cave, the 4th largest in the world, I believe. South Dakota, very neat place to come and visit, but only to visit. By the way, on our drive today we stopped off and saw "The Corn Palace" as a matter of fact we got to the town in the middle of the corn festival. Tonight Weird Al Yankovic was performing, sure sorry we had to miss that.:)
Sorry for the fast recap, but I don't have the time and I'm sure either do you to read everything I wanted to write.
I'm just not going to get a chance to really get caught up on everything so I'm just going to do a recap of the last week, your probably saying "thank goodness" we now won't have to read a long blog.
August 18th, Kim and Danny's wedding went by so fast, it was almost perfect, we had forgotten to give Barbara, the lady that kept everything running smoothly, where the table numbers should have been. So needless to say some of my family members were put in the other room where they couldn't see everything at dinner time when they should have been in the opposite room. The lower number tables should have been in the same room as the wedding party but they weren't, sorry that was our fault. Plus, Rosie and Bob Miller were suppose to be seating at Trini's table but I heard they moved to a table were they knew no one because Rosie wanted to be close to the door for the cool night air.
Sunday, was brunch at El Patio with family and some of the wedding party, I believe that went very smooth too.
Dave and I got on the road about 1pm and stopped in Primm Nevada and dry camped at Buffalo Bills. As soon as we parked my brother, Vance, had called me and asked where we were because my niece, Caryn, had been in a car accident in Lancaster and their car was totalled. Thank God Caryn, Joe and Carlee were all OK, but Vance said "shit" you are farther away then I am, so we couldn't help them. They ended up at a motel for the night and getting a rent a car for their drive back to Bishop.
Monday we got going early and stopped in St. George, Utah and had breakfast with my Aunt Evelyn. All we did was talk and laugh for the next couple hours until we had to get back on the road again. We stopped Monday night at Fillmore, Utah nice little park. We, of course, got going early on Tuesday and stopped in Deer Creek, Utah and visited with Stan and Ginger, who we had met in Oregon at the Monaco facility last year, sorry can't forget Katie Girl, their dog who loves Valley too. Once we got back on the road we ended up stopping for the night at the Western Hills Campground, in Rawlins, Wyoming and we had gotten the last full hook-up so that tells you how full they were.
That brings us up to Hart Ranch in Black Hills South Dakota, where I last wrote. We went to Mt. Rushmore and Crazy Horse on Thursday then that night we went back to Mt. Rushmore to watch they show they put on and see the presidents lit up in the lights. I wouldn't recommend the night show because they don't have enough lights but seeing it during the day and taking the ranger tour was great. Crazy Horse was not worth the money, $20.00 to get in and it's not even close to being done. Seeing Mt. Rushmore was only $8.00 and well worth it. Friday we did driving all day through the country side, where the buffalo, deer, antalope and donkeys were right in the road and you would have to sit and wait for them to move. We stopped at Wind Cave and did an 1 1/2 tour with the ranger which was a great cave, the 4th largest in the world, I believe. South Dakota, very neat place to come and visit, but only to visit. By the way, on our drive today we stopped off and saw "The Corn Palace" as a matter of fact we got to the town in the middle of the corn festival. Tonight Weird Al Yankovic was performing, sure sorry we had to miss that.:)
Sorry for the fast recap, but I don't have the time and I'm sure either do you to read everything I wanted to write.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
August 22, 2007 Just a quick note so everyone knows where we are. We are now in Black Hills, South Dakato and will be here until Saturday morning. Hopefully I can finish going thru all of my emails and get caught up on my blog, you know it will be a long one so I might just have to break it up in a few parts. Danny called and left a message on my phone "Hi, mother-inlaw, this is your son-inlaw, just wanted to say hi and that Kim and him had gone parasailing, they both made it through it and are having fun" I tried to call them but just get Danny's voice mail, twice now, Kim's goes straight to her voice mail so don't know if she took her phone, or if they did I hope they brought their chargers. We are in mountain time zone now, so an hour ahead of Calif. tomorrow will go to Mt. Rushmore then to Crazy Horse and what ever else we can squeeze in. Sorry about Dave's spelling on his blog update but I was just too tired to sit and write, plus, 160 emails to go through.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TOMORROW, MARISA. You are catching up to me, because I know damn well I'm not getting any older, at least in my mind, the body has another opinion.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TOMORROW, MARISA. You are catching up to me, because I know damn well I'm not getting any older, at least in my mind, the body has another opinion.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Wedding Pictures
Well David Jr work hard the night of Kim and Danny's wedding and manged to get some pictures on line before he left for Alaska. There is a link to the pictures in the link section of this blog it is on the left. I tried the link and you will need to install an activeX control and agree to terms and conditions for the photo site. These are very ruff I know David will have final picture on line once he gets back. You will be able to buy copies if you want.
Jeri is still trying to get caught up on all her emails, blog posting and other stuff. Right now we are driving most all day and just stopping to get fuel, eat and sleep so not much on line time. Tomorrow we reach Rapid City South Dakota so she may have time to write her blog. I know she has a lot to tell everyone.
We are having a good time with me retired we do not have to stay put during the week and we can start and stop when we please.
Well David Jr work hard the night of Kim and Danny's wedding and manged to get some pictures on line before he left for Alaska. There is a link to the pictures in the link section of this blog it is on the left. I tried the link and you will need to install an activeX control and agree to terms and conditions for the photo site. These are very ruff I know David will have final picture on line once he gets back. You will be able to buy copies if you want.
Jeri is still trying to get caught up on all her emails, blog posting and other stuff. Right now we are driving most all day and just stopping to get fuel, eat and sleep so not much on line time. Tomorrow we reach Rapid City South Dakota so she may have time to write her blog. I know she has a lot to tell everyone.
We are having a good time with me retired we do not have to stay put during the week and we can start and stop when we please.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Hi all just a quick note from Dave. Marisa was right in her comment disasters before the wedding did lead to a great wedding. Everyone had fun and the bride and groom are very happy. We hit the road following a brunch on Sunday with the familys. We are in Primm Nevada tonight and will be heading on towards Rapid City SD tomorrow. You will have to wait for Jeri to hear the details.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
August 15, 2007 Oh yes, more disasters are happening but we are tackling them as they come along. Can't remember if I put in another blog but Kim and Danny's wedding bands were too big when they put them on last week. Danny picked both rings up when we came down for the final count with the golf course, August 4th. That's when he picked them up and supposedly he had tried his on but Kim wasn't with him at the time, she was having her hair done by the lady that is doing all of hair for the wedding. Anyway, last Friday Danny called the jeweler and said they were too big and Pauline said bring them by Thursday when you come down and she will make sure they get fixed, if they really needed it. We left before them and when they got to Simi they went straight to the jewelers and Pauline had the day off and the owner that we know is on vacation. The jeweler has 2 shops and the one that helps Tom, the owner, was at the other shop on the other side of Simi. Kim's ring was suppose to be a size 6 1/2 but when measured it was 7 1/4 and Danny's was suppose to be size 9 but measured 10, boy did the jeweler screw up, which has never happened to us in the 20 years we have been going to them. There isn't enough time to fix them right so they ended up putting in fillers so they won't fall off their fingers and will have to fix them right after the honeymoon. That was disaster 1.
Disaster 2
Dave and Danny went to Northridge to pick up their tuxes, well, Dave's tux pants are CAPRI'S. They measure from the waist down and the measurement was suppose to be 43 inches but they made them 34 inches. Luckily, there was a lot of pant leg that they had seamed up so Dave had to leave it and they said by the time Danny comes back tonight with the best man Dave's pants should be fixed.
Disaster 3 (almost)
We left Valentine, our dog, at David Jr's this afternoon, their dog hutch we didn't think would be a problem. When we went by at 5, when they got home from work, Valley was in the house but Hutch was outside. David said that Hutch was being mean to Valley and wouldn't let her in the garage to lay down, that's why he was staying outside and Valley was in the house. I then took Valley to the coach, we have it parked at David's, to try and feed her. She didn't finish so we went back into David's and Jodi was just feeding Hutch in the kitchen so I put the rest of Valley's food down in another room. Hutch came running in so I went to pick up Valley's food and Hutch just attacked Valley but ended up biting me. I think Hutch was just doing a dominate thing, which the house is his territory, but thank goodness he didn't break the skin. Jodie and David felt so bad but it wasn't their fault, I called Joann, Vickey's mom, because she had said if we needed Valley could stay there, so that's where she is now. No other dogs, Joann has a doggy door so Valley can go in and out plus she gets to sleep in the bedroom with Joann.
That's it for now, Dave and I are in the hotel and Kim is in the ajoining room writing her vows. She and Danny met with the pastor tonight, we didn't get to go because of the ring screw up, Danny had the pastor while growing up and this was the 1st time Kim met him.
Let's see what happens tomorrow, I just can't wait.
Disaster 2
Dave and Danny went to Northridge to pick up their tuxes, well, Dave's tux pants are CAPRI'S. They measure from the waist down and the measurement was suppose to be 43 inches but they made them 34 inches. Luckily, there was a lot of pant leg that they had seamed up so Dave had to leave it and they said by the time Danny comes back tonight with the best man Dave's pants should be fixed.
Disaster 3 (almost)
We left Valentine, our dog, at David Jr's this afternoon, their dog hutch we didn't think would be a problem. When we went by at 5, when they got home from work, Valley was in the house but Hutch was outside. David said that Hutch was being mean to Valley and wouldn't let her in the garage to lay down, that's why he was staying outside and Valley was in the house. I then took Valley to the coach, we have it parked at David's, to try and feed her. She didn't finish so we went back into David's and Jodi was just feeding Hutch in the kitchen so I put the rest of Valley's food down in another room. Hutch came running in so I went to pick up Valley's food and Hutch just attacked Valley but ended up biting me. I think Hutch was just doing a dominate thing, which the house is his territory, but thank goodness he didn't break the skin. Jodie and David felt so bad but it wasn't their fault, I called Joann, Vickey's mom, because she had said if we needed Valley could stay there, so that's where she is now. No other dogs, Joann has a doggy door so Valley can go in and out plus she gets to sleep in the bedroom with Joann.
That's it for now, Dave and I are in the hotel and Kim is in the ajoining room writing her vows. She and Danny met with the pastor tonight, we didn't get to go because of the ring screw up, Danny had the pastor while growing up and this was the 1st time Kim met him.
Let's see what happens tomorrow, I just can't wait.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
August 15, 2007 another post. 1st of, I'm sure, many more almost disasters to happen, Danielle, one of the brides maids that flew in from Hawaii last night tried on her dress and it didn't fit. I believe a few blogs back I had mentioned that we picked the dress up in Northridge on our way to the bacheloreete party, that turned into a disaster. Danielle guessed on the size and she was really wrong, but thank goodness David's Bridal had one more dress like it and it was Danielle's size. One disaster avoided, how do you like my new word, disaster? Hope it's spelled right.
Picked up Kim's dress and they showed me how to tie up the back train, the slip part will be no problem it's the lace part that is a challenge, hopefully my niece, Marisa, will be able to help me.
Picked up Kim's dress and they showed me how to tie up the back train, the slip part will be no problem it's the lace part that is a challenge, hopefully my niece, Marisa, will be able to help me.
August 15, 2007 I believe this will be my last blog for a little while. I know after the last blog I should have had writers cramps and taken at least another week off, no such luck. Yesterday, after the urgent care visit for Dave he then went to Kim's and started wrapping the presents, he didn't finish so he is there today finishing up. He did go to AAA and got the stuff for the airlines, so that's done and Kim doesn't havr to worry anymore. In the afternoon Kim and I had our hair done then Dave and I took Kim out to dinner, you know to talk about the "Birds and the Bees", ya, right, she still hasn't told us everything she knows.:) We just told her she is very lucky, Danny is a great guy, and we will always be there for her if anything should come up, except money issues, then they can call Danny's parents. Just kidding, they have to try and find us 1st. Anyway, it was a nice dinner and good conversation and all agreed very nervous. She still hasn't written down her vows yet, she said she has them in her head, but just hasn't written them down yet. Dave read me his speech again with the funny lines in it and he still couldn't get through it without tears. He said maybe after reading it a few more times he will get through it, sure but not at the wedding he won't. Kim has nails put on this afternoon then at 5pm we go and pick up her dress. Tonight we go over to the house and load up my car with all the wedding stuff then drive down to Simi tomorrow. I think that's about it, will write again after the wedding.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
August 14, 2007 for once I have new news within the last couple days, you don't have to wait a week to hear from us. I left off on the last blog that we were going to Kim's for dinner, which we did, and went over everything we could think of. Wrapping the gifts for the wedding party, Dave's job, only because when he was a teen he had a job at a store where he worked in the wrapping department. Plus, if you really know Kim and I you know we prefer to give gifts in brown paper bags. We went over the sitting chart for the wedding and finalized it so Sunday Dave could take it to Kinko's to have it printed up.
Saturday we drove down for Marisa's baby shower, it took 3 hours to drive down, boy we hate that L.A. traffic, we stayed 3 hours and we got lucky on the way back and it took only 2 hours. The shower was very nice, just sorry we couldn't stay for the whole thing, but when you live so far away and have dogs waiting for you, oh well. We did have a great visit with people, and for at least 1 of the 3 hours we were there it took my mind off of the wedding. Talking to my brother Mike is always a good time. I even heard a story of Mike's nuts hanging out of his shorts at an Arborne party that Spanky thru at his house. Of course, Mike's comment was "Why was the bitch looking at my croutch anyway" it's my house and I can sit anyway I want. The bitch was Spanky's X - boss so who really cares anyway, but after that comment from Mike, Dave asked Mike not to wear shorts to the wedding.
Mike was asking "Danny" if he was going to be safe at the wedding with all of his family coming, Danny said "yea" just have a knife on you. Mike then told him he was going to come dressed as a Border Patrol Officer or an Immigration Officer, boy did we all laugh. On the drive home, after the shower, Danny made a comment that he didn't think that Uncle Mike liked him at first, Kim told him with the kidding that Uncle Mike is giving him, he is more then welcome in the family. That's what Danny thought too, when Mike doesn't give you a bad time "that means you are not welcome"
Sunday, I went over to Kim's early and we starting doing house cleaning, this way they don't have to come home to a dirty house. Our job was cleaning, Dave was going to Kinko's, then Dave and Danny worked on the plumbing/electrical stuff to get ready for the new Refrig. that Kim and Danny purchased. That night they came to our RV for dinner and go over everything again, this seems to be an never ending thing to do.
Today, Monday, at 8:30am we took Valley into the vet for a check-up and get her papers for Canada. Since we need original papers for her Rabies shot and we only had a copy faxed from our vet in Simi, which was good until April 2008, Dave said lets go ahead and get another shot for her a year early and have the original papers like we need. Valley had also started digging at her ear so when we took her in the vet looked at that too plus cut her nails. When we left Valley was acting very strange, she kept digging at her ear, kicking her legs, ect. very strange for her. When we got back to the coach she would run, lay down, kick her legs, run more, and pant a lot. I thought the vets had just really dug too much at her ear, and it was really bothering her. When we closed up the coach to take it to Stier’s RV, Valley ran back in the coach and left me standing outside, she has never done that. We were in a hurry so Dave said I'm leaving with Valley in the coach and I followed behind. When we got to Stier’s, he got out of the coach and said there is something wrong with Valley, she just can't hold still. He went into the Service Department and I went in to check on Valley, she was running back and forth and I saw blood on the floor. I checked her nails, thinking maybe the vet had cut them to short and she was bleeding from them but that wasn't it.(If you don't know, Dogs can bleed a lot, if you cut their nails too short) It was her left back paw she had split open because she kept kicking her legs out because she couldn't sit still. I got the leash on her and got her outside of the coach and she was a wild dog, I could not stop her movements. Dave was in the Service Department of Stier’s and I called him and said I was rushing Valley back to the Vets. I threw Valley in the back of the car and was trying to calm her down; when I grabbed her collar I could barely put my fingers between the collar and her skin. That's when it dawned on me she was having a reaction from the shot she had gotten. I looked at her and she was doubling in size, when we got back to the vets, we almost knocked some lady over because she was in the door way, I was yelling that Valley was having a reaction, they took one look and ran her to the back. Benadryl and cortisone shots and 30 minutes later Valley is a new dog, relaxed and sleepy. Most of the swelling had gone away except her paws, they looked like the size of a bears paws, and the vet said they will go back to normal after a couple hours.
Then we went to Kim's to drop Valley off and went to AAA to check on their airline flight, Kim was panicking about it, so we said we would check it out for her. Good thing too, after waiting forever, it seemed like, we finally got together with her travel agent and their airline package hadn't been shipped yet to AAA. Well, supposedly people with travel plans on that day had a computer glitch, and some of them didn't print out and of course Kim and Danny were one of them. They are over nighting them and will be in tomorrow, AAA will call us to come pick them up. Good thing Kim panicked. After that we went back to Kim’s and Dave mowed the lawn for Danny and I did some more cleaning for Kim. Then I loaded stuff up in the truck so we could take it to the dump for them. At the dump a door that we were throwing away fell out right on top of Dave’s foot, and of course we were both in sandals, it cut his toes. On the way back we stopped off at the insurance company to sign some papers. By the way, when we picked up our coach at 5pm they weren’t able to fix the awning either and wanted us to bring it back again, Dave said forget it, Monaco can fix it in December.
This morning when we got up Dave’s foot was all swollen and black and blue, he decided to go to urgent care to make sure it wasn’t broken, which I knew it wasn’t but better safe then sorry. The doctor said it was just badly bruised and if he is lucky the swelling will go down by Saturday, but doesn’t advise wearing the shoes the tux shop offers, great. Kim is going to shit when she hears this, she doesn’t know yet.
Today at 4 Kim and I are having our hair cut and I’m getting mine colored, tonight we take Kim to dinner, neither one of them would go for just Dad and Daughter dinner, so I guess I have to go.
That’s it for now.
Saturday we drove down for Marisa's baby shower, it took 3 hours to drive down, boy we hate that L.A. traffic, we stayed 3 hours and we got lucky on the way back and it took only 2 hours. The shower was very nice, just sorry we couldn't stay for the whole thing, but when you live so far away and have dogs waiting for you, oh well. We did have a great visit with people, and for at least 1 of the 3 hours we were there it took my mind off of the wedding. Talking to my brother Mike is always a good time. I even heard a story of Mike's nuts hanging out of his shorts at an Arborne party that Spanky thru at his house. Of course, Mike's comment was "Why was the bitch looking at my croutch anyway" it's my house and I can sit anyway I want. The bitch was Spanky's X - boss so who really cares anyway, but after that comment from Mike, Dave asked Mike not to wear shorts to the wedding.
Mike was asking "Danny" if he was going to be safe at the wedding with all of his family coming, Danny said "yea" just have a knife on you. Mike then told him he was going to come dressed as a Border Patrol Officer or an Immigration Officer, boy did we all laugh. On the drive home, after the shower, Danny made a comment that he didn't think that Uncle Mike liked him at first, Kim told him with the kidding that Uncle Mike is giving him, he is more then welcome in the family. That's what Danny thought too, when Mike doesn't give you a bad time "that means you are not welcome"
Sunday, I went over to Kim's early and we starting doing house cleaning, this way they don't have to come home to a dirty house. Our job was cleaning, Dave was going to Kinko's, then Dave and Danny worked on the plumbing/electrical stuff to get ready for the new Refrig. that Kim and Danny purchased. That night they came to our RV for dinner and go over everything again, this seems to be an never ending thing to do.
Today, Monday, at 8:30am we took Valley into the vet for a check-up and get her papers for Canada. Since we need original papers for her Rabies shot and we only had a copy faxed from our vet in Simi, which was good until April 2008, Dave said lets go ahead and get another shot for her a year early and have the original papers like we need. Valley had also started digging at her ear so when we took her in the vet looked at that too plus cut her nails. When we left Valley was acting very strange, she kept digging at her ear, kicking her legs, ect. very strange for her. When we got back to the coach she would run, lay down, kick her legs, run more, and pant a lot. I thought the vets had just really dug too much at her ear, and it was really bothering her. When we closed up the coach to take it to Stier’s RV, Valley ran back in the coach and left me standing outside, she has never done that. We were in a hurry so Dave said I'm leaving with Valley in the coach and I followed behind. When we got to Stier’s, he got out of the coach and said there is something wrong with Valley, she just can't hold still. He went into the Service Department and I went in to check on Valley, she was running back and forth and I saw blood on the floor. I checked her nails, thinking maybe the vet had cut them to short and she was bleeding from them but that wasn't it.(If you don't know, Dogs can bleed a lot, if you cut their nails too short) It was her left back paw she had split open because she kept kicking her legs out because she couldn't sit still. I got the leash on her and got her outside of the coach and she was a wild dog, I could not stop her movements. Dave was in the Service Department of Stier’s and I called him and said I was rushing Valley back to the Vets. I threw Valley in the back of the car and was trying to calm her down; when I grabbed her collar I could barely put my fingers between the collar and her skin. That's when it dawned on me she was having a reaction from the shot she had gotten. I looked at her and she was doubling in size, when we got back to the vets, we almost knocked some lady over because she was in the door way, I was yelling that Valley was having a reaction, they took one look and ran her to the back. Benadryl and cortisone shots and 30 minutes later Valley is a new dog, relaxed and sleepy. Most of the swelling had gone away except her paws, they looked like the size of a bears paws, and the vet said they will go back to normal after a couple hours.
Then we went to Kim's to drop Valley off and went to AAA to check on their airline flight, Kim was panicking about it, so we said we would check it out for her. Good thing too, after waiting forever, it seemed like, we finally got together with her travel agent and their airline package hadn't been shipped yet to AAA. Well, supposedly people with travel plans on that day had a computer glitch, and some of them didn't print out and of course Kim and Danny were one of them. They are over nighting them and will be in tomorrow, AAA will call us to come pick them up. Good thing Kim panicked. After that we went back to Kim’s and Dave mowed the lawn for Danny and I did some more cleaning for Kim. Then I loaded stuff up in the truck so we could take it to the dump for them. At the dump a door that we were throwing away fell out right on top of Dave’s foot, and of course we were both in sandals, it cut his toes. On the way back we stopped off at the insurance company to sign some papers. By the way, when we picked up our coach at 5pm they weren’t able to fix the awning either and wanted us to bring it back again, Dave said forget it, Monaco can fix it in December.
This morning when we got up Dave’s foot was all swollen and black and blue, he decided to go to urgent care to make sure it wasn’t broken, which I knew it wasn’t but better safe then sorry. The doctor said it was just badly bruised and if he is lucky the swelling will go down by Saturday, but doesn’t advise wearing the shoes the tux shop offers, great. Kim is going to shit when she hears this, she doesn’t know yet.
Today at 4 Kim and I are having our hair cut and I’m getting mine colored, tonight we take Kim to dinner, neither one of them would go for just Dad and Daughter dinner, so I guess I have to go.
That’s it for now.
Friday, August 10, 2007
August 10, 2007 Let me start off with "Happy Birthday Pop" hope you and mom are having a great time up in heaven. I know you guys will be watching over Kim and Danny next week when they get married, wish you both were still here.
Well, another week has gone by here in beautiful Bakersfield, 1 week and 1 day left before the wedding. I am getting to be a wreck, as soon as the eyes open in the morning the mind starts thinking wedding and there is no way in hell to get back to sleep, even if it is 4am. Oh, by the way, I'm not writing from the poor house yet because the golf course still hasn't sent me the final invoice, I'm sure I will probably get it later today. We did get the cake, DJ, Florist and Photographer paid in full, so my foot is only partly in the poor house, the golf course bill will put me all the way in.
On Tuesday we had taken the RV in again for the awning, which they couldn't figure out how to fix so Dave told them to put it back the way it was and we went and got it. This Monday Stiers RV is going to take a look at it and see if they can fix it, if not I guess next December when we are at the Monaco Facility in Florida they will have to fix it. I took my dress in to get pressed, we got the jelly belly's for the favors and tonight we go to Kim and Danny's to go over everything to make sure we are not missing anything. Next Wednesday we will load up my car with everything for the wedding and bring it all down with us on Thursday morning. Tuesday I have my hair cut and colored, Wednesday night we pick up Kim's dress. If anyone that reads this can think of anything that we might be forgetting please let us know.
Well, another week has gone by here in beautiful Bakersfield, 1 week and 1 day left before the wedding. I am getting to be a wreck, as soon as the eyes open in the morning the mind starts thinking wedding and there is no way in hell to get back to sleep, even if it is 4am. Oh, by the way, I'm not writing from the poor house yet because the golf course still hasn't sent me the final invoice, I'm sure I will probably get it later today. We did get the cake, DJ, Florist and Photographer paid in full, so my foot is only partly in the poor house, the golf course bill will put me all the way in.
On Tuesday we had taken the RV in again for the awning, which they couldn't figure out how to fix so Dave told them to put it back the way it was and we went and got it. This Monday Stiers RV is going to take a look at it and see if they can fix it, if not I guess next December when we are at the Monaco Facility in Florida they will have to fix it. I took my dress in to get pressed, we got the jelly belly's for the favors and tonight we go to Kim and Danny's to go over everything to make sure we are not missing anything. Next Wednesday we will load up my car with everything for the wedding and bring it all down with us on Thursday morning. Tuesday I have my hair cut and colored, Wednesday night we pick up Kim's dress. If anyone that reads this can think of anything that we might be forgetting please let us know.
Friday, August 03, 2007
August 3, 2007 at 3:00pm Dave was officially out of work and now retired. His last phone call was at 2:30pm and when that was done the owner of the company finally called him to wish him well, I guess. He offered to send the laptop back to the company that he has been using and she told him "no" you can keep it, big of her.
Tomorrow we head down to Simi Valley to meet with the Florist, to pay, the DJ, to pay, the cake baker, to pay, the photographer, to pay, the golf course, to pay, so needless to say on Monday I'll be going to Wal-mart to apply for a greeters job, or maybe just collect carts for them since I like to be outside. (just kidding, it's too hot in Bakersfield to be outside)
Dave wrote his 1st draft of his speech he is going to give at the wedding. He handed it to me and asked me to read it and he had left the room. After reading it, for a 1st draft it was very good, just needed some touch up, but I thought to myself, he will never get through this. When he came back I asked him to read it out loud to me so he could see the few mistakes for himself. As he was going through it he caught most of the mistakes, when he was done he put the paper down and started playing with his computer. He then turns to me and said "I'll never get through this" he already had tears in his eyes. I told him I knew he wasn't going to be able to so what he needs to do is add funny lines to it, which you know I'm good at, since I learned from the best, my brother Mike. He said he would try, so I'm sure I am going to maybe have to chip in with all the funny lines, but then again I'm sure I'll be crying too. We couldn't even make it through College Graduation without tears, I know we are big babies. This should be very interesting, I told Dave that I would like for Kim and I to give a speech too, together, but he said if we do something like that we had to do it sober, well that's out of the question on this big day, so I guess no speech. Let's see, if I remember right don't people give their speeches after dinner, let's see Dave make it that far into the wedding without a drink, we are going to be nervous wrecks.
I think that's it for now, Kim and Danny are coming over for dinner tonight to go over the final counts and celebrate Dave's retirement. I'll write later from the poor house.
Tomorrow we head down to Simi Valley to meet with the Florist, to pay, the DJ, to pay, the cake baker, to pay, the photographer, to pay, the golf course, to pay, so needless to say on Monday I'll be going to Wal-mart to apply for a greeters job, or maybe just collect carts for them since I like to be outside. (just kidding, it's too hot in Bakersfield to be outside)
Dave wrote his 1st draft of his speech he is going to give at the wedding. He handed it to me and asked me to read it and he had left the room. After reading it, for a 1st draft it was very good, just needed some touch up, but I thought to myself, he will never get through this. When he came back I asked him to read it out loud to me so he could see the few mistakes for himself. As he was going through it he caught most of the mistakes, when he was done he put the paper down and started playing with his computer. He then turns to me and said "I'll never get through this" he already had tears in his eyes. I told him I knew he wasn't going to be able to so what he needs to do is add funny lines to it, which you know I'm good at, since I learned from the best, my brother Mike. He said he would try, so I'm sure I am going to maybe have to chip in with all the funny lines, but then again I'm sure I'll be crying too. We couldn't even make it through College Graduation without tears, I know we are big babies. This should be very interesting, I told Dave that I would like for Kim and I to give a speech too, together, but he said if we do something like that we had to do it sober, well that's out of the question on this big day, so I guess no speech. Let's see, if I remember right don't people give their speeches after dinner, let's see Dave make it that far into the wedding without a drink, we are going to be nervous wrecks.
I think that's it for now, Kim and Danny are coming over for dinner tonight to go over the final counts and celebrate Dave's retirement. I'll write later from the poor house.
Thursday, August 02, 2007
August 2, 2007 Well tomorrow is the big day, "DAVE'S LAST DAY OF WORK". We all know he retired from his government job 5 years ago, after 36 yrs, but went right back to work the next day for a private contractor with the government doing the very same thing he was doing before. The reasons he went back to work were:
1. He was way too young to retire
2. Kim was still in college and we needed to pay for that
3. There was "NO WAY IN HELL" I was going to keep on working and support his ass.
So needless to say he said he would work for 5 more years until Kim was out of school. Last June was 5 years so he actually worked 2 months longer then he said he would, so tomorrow is the big day. What really pisses me off is he helped the 2 owners start this company off and do you think either one has called him, hell no. He is so fed up with everything, and I don't blame him, Allie the major owner(51%) is the one who really helped her get things started, it's just too bad she doesn't really realize what she is losing. He tried to get in touch with her, but she is such a spoiled bitch,what ever it's her loss.
Dave made the comment today to me that for the last 41 years every morning he knew what he had to do, even if it was a Saturday morning he knew he had to go back to work in 2 days. I told him, Saturday we go to Simi to finalize the wedding stuff and pay the cost for everything, Sunday is brunch, but he said the weekend isn't the big deal, it's going to be Monday.
Monday he is going to be totally lost and now the challange begins, I not only have to keep the dog and me entertained now I have to keep Dave entertained too.
Last April 1st was our 29th wedding anniversay, let us now see if we can make it to 30 years.
1. He was way too young to retire
2. Kim was still in college and we needed to pay for that
3. There was "NO WAY IN HELL" I was going to keep on working and support his ass.
So needless to say he said he would work for 5 more years until Kim was out of school. Last June was 5 years so he actually worked 2 months longer then he said he would, so tomorrow is the big day. What really pisses me off is he helped the 2 owners start this company off and do you think either one has called him, hell no. He is so fed up with everything, and I don't blame him, Allie the major owner(51%) is the one who really helped her get things started, it's just too bad she doesn't really realize what she is losing. He tried to get in touch with her, but she is such a spoiled bitch,what ever it's her loss.
Dave made the comment today to me that for the last 41 years every morning he knew what he had to do, even if it was a Saturday morning he knew he had to go back to work in 2 days. I told him, Saturday we go to Simi to finalize the wedding stuff and pay the cost for everything, Sunday is brunch, but he said the weekend isn't the big deal, it's going to be Monday.
Monday he is going to be totally lost and now the challange begins, I not only have to keep the dog and me entertained now I have to keep Dave entertained too.
Last April 1st was our 29th wedding anniversay, let us now see if we can make it to 30 years.
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