Saturday, April 14, 2007

April 14, 2007 we are still here in Winchester Bay until about 11 a.m. then we hit the road for Harrisburg Oregon to Camp Monaco. I left off with Dave flying out on Tuesday, Tuesday night Lee, Vicki and I went out to dinner at Griff's, which is a seafood restaurant right across the bay from us. Wednesday it rained just about all day, we just hung around the coaches all day, Lee fixed breakfast for all of us then for lunch we went to Griff's again, love that place. For dinner we just had crackers, salami, turkey, crackers and cheese, Dave got back to the coach about midnight. On Thursday morning Dave and I did some running around, post office, bank, grocery store while Vicki was having her hair done. For lunch we went to Griff's, again, Dave hadn't gotten to go, then we drove to Coos Bay and just did some site seeing. For dinner we did shrimp and scallops, some of Marty's bread, rice and squash, great dinner.
Friday we left at 9 a.m. and headed for Newport, Oregon to go to the aquarium there, what a really nice place, and a hell of a drive to get there. We didn't get back to the coaches until 5 pm, our poor dogs were stuck in the coaches all day. When we got back we walked them around a little bit, fed them dinner then headed for Elkton Oregon to have a Mexican Dinner at Marty's, which was great and way too much to eat. We then got back to the coaches at 9:30 pm and it started raining, Valley doesn't like getting wet so she just ran out real fast did her thing and ran back into the coach.

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