Saturday, May 02, 2009

Quick update / New pics posted

I posted some new pictures but the last two are videos of Miss Madison showing you her version of crawling. She lays on her tummy digs her toes in the carpet and pushes, she can really get going fast. She should be on her knees by the end of next week. She sure did change the two weeks we were gone. She gets around in her walker and knows exactly where she wants to go, and when she is too quiet you know she is into something. The padded flooring for her to sit on she managed with her walker to lift it up and she pulled the outside strip off and was eating it when Danny caught her. Kim said one day when she was too quiet she found Madison in the towel cupboards and was eating the towels. Danny and Kim are really going to have to get going on baby proofing that house. Madison even stands by herself at one of her playground toy things that's in the other room.
This week was Kim's 1st Stroller Stride class on Wednesday, she had a good turn out and she did really well. The other mother's there couldn't believe it was her 1st time teaching they all thought she had been doing it for awhile, she really made everyone work out.

When I babysat on Monday, while Madison was taking her morning nap, I managed to get all the bricks moved then on Tuesday Dave and I worked on putting in drainage. Thursday Dave worked on it a little more, while I babysat, it still needs some more work done on it before we pour the cement. Dave is working this weekend at the RV park, next weekend Danny has to study for his final, the weekend after that is Danny's work picnic, plus Dave works that weekend again, god knows when or how we are going to do this. May is the last month Dave will be working at the RV Park, which should pay for the rest of the time we will be here, he is fed up with the miss communication the owners have with the camp hosts, I know Rich is getting fed up too.

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