Monday, May 04, 2009

Happy almost 10 month old Madison

Yesterday we did more shopping for Madison's 1st Birthday Party stuff. Miss Madison says "Nana put this stupid hat on me and pushed me around the Party Store. It says "Happy Birthday" and thank goodness they didn't buy it for me.
This Saturday she will be 10 months old and Kim called the other day and her 2 top front teeth are coming in now. She will have 4 teeth by the time she is 10 months old, not once did she fuss when any of the teeth came in. I'm telling you she is false advertisement, I have never seen a baby so happy all the time and only fusses when it is nap time. There is no way Kim and Danny are going to be this lucky on the next one, but we won't find out for a couple of years tho, at least get Danny thru nursing school.
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marisa said...

I'm so jealous considering how miserable teething has been with Inara. Lets pray the rest of them all come in now and we'll be done with the horrible nights. Any suggestions on gifts for Miss Mady?

Jeri said...

I told Kim the other day to quit buying her clothes because then what are people going to buy her for her birthday. Kim said "Toys" that's what she needs, I think PJ's too, she is so tall that the ones that are suppose to be long all end up short on her.