Happy 10 month birthday to Madison too. Now speaking of Madison, she is getting so good in her body dragging (her version of crawling) and in her walker. I put her on the carpet in her room, she now knows how to lean forward, from the sitting position, and get herself on her belly. She is no longer throwing herself backwards, thank goodness because you didn't dare leave her sitting without you or a pillow behind her. The 1st thing she does is, if you aren't in the room, take off body dragging looking for you. She can make it to the door jam before I get back, unless something attracts her attention like the changing table, which is right before the door jam. Toby is always following me but when we get back all Madison wants is to get to Toby and he doesn't want anything to do with that. She gets close and Toby is gone, too funny. This dog is starting to lose weight because when Madison is in her walker she is, most of the time, going after Toby. He is getting real good at squeezing by even in the smallest places she corners him in. Toby wouldn't do anything to Mady, when she is quiet and sitting on your lap, all he wants to do is lick her feet and hands and she just smiles.
Friday morning while Madison was having her bottle I had on Rachel Ray, she had to sit up when the audience was clapping and she clapped with them, too cute. That afternoon Madison was in her walker, Toby sleeping and me doing my exercise bands and we were all in the living room. I remembered I was suppose to check something on the computer so I took off into the other room and right on my tail was Toby and Madison, as a matter of fact they almost beat me to the computer. All I thought was "Me and my Shadows", which is a joke with us because when Valley was still alive, even when Chelsea was still alive all three dogs would follow me where ever I went, I couldn't make a move without them. Here was Miss Madison right on my tail too, I just had to laugh about it.(No I'm not saying Madison is a dog, Danny! she just loves her Nana) Madison can move anywhere she wants in that walker without hitting any walls too, amazing, there was No Way Nana was getting away from her.
Oh, before I forget, Kim got a Mother's Day present from the Bakersfield Police, a ticket for talking on her cell phone, I'll let her explain that one.
OK, now the coach mishap, why is it that when we have a mishap with the BLACK or GREY TANKS it's always me that finds it? Probably because if Dave found it he wouldn't say a thing and none of us would know the difference. Last Tuesday the black tank was at 90% full so it was time to dump again, which Dave did, but I didn't know he was doing it because I was at the doggy parade which the Alfa Rally was having. Well, he had dumped the black and joined me at the doggy parade, but before leaving he started filling the black tank with clear water. Normally when he does this we put the timer on the microwave on so the alarm goes off to remind us to check how full it is getting. Anyway he hadn't done that and I didn't know he was filling anything so after we got back we both started working on the computer down loading the pictures I had just taken so the RV Park could put them on their website. We then put on a show we had recorded, no big deal, until I got up to go to the bathroom. Dave is so damn lucky I just went pee otherwise he would be dead right now, let me explain why. When I go #2 I step on the foot peddle right away while I am still sitting on the pot, I don't want to have to look at it. (Kim will get mad at me for that, she says you should look at your poop because you can tell if something is wrong with you) Being in the motor home the toilet just has a big hole so it's not like you have water running around the bowl. When I just go pee I stand up and step on the peddle, sorry I hope this isn't to graphic for everyone. Back to the story, I went in to go #1(pee) and when I stood up and faced the bowl and stepped on the peddle there was an explosion and water, pee and toilet paper flew up about a foot from the toilet seat. Now let me tell you that bathroom is small and seeing me flying back and hitting the wall trying to miss the flying stuff was just too funny, but not at the time, I was not a happy camper. I opened the door and yelled what the Hell is going on and Dave said "oh shit" and ran out the RV door. Can you imagine what would have happened to me if I had gone #2 and had that explosion, like I said earlier, Dave would be dead by now. I could have had my 1st colonoscopy and god only knows what else could have happened to me.
So I asked Dave what had happened, at first he wasn't going to tell me because he didn't want it on the blog and because he had done this once before. I can't seem to remember if I wrote about it, but I'm sure I did, I do remember the toilet exploding on him once but it was a long time ago. What he did was fill the black tank with water and when it gets full it automatically goes into the grey tank and starts filling it. If the Black and Grey fill then it goes up the pipes that go to the top of the motor home, then if it still doesn't get empty then it starts coming out the shower drain, which happened the last time, what, just a couple months ago. This time the black and grey were full and just starting to fill up to the top when I stepped on the peddle and that's why the explosion. Pee, Water, Toilet Paper flying, you just try and duck that stuff, needless to say Dave had a lot of cleaning to do.
I wonder if we will have any of this exciting stuff happening to us when we settle in Arizona, I'm sure we will. Dave and mishaps seem to walk hand in hand. Just kidding dear!!
1 comment:
OH MY GOSH! I'm laughing right now because we got Inara that exact same outfit: ladybug onesie from Carters. Too funny! Be careful Nana, soon you won't even be able to go potty without Mady following you. Happy Mother's Day.
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