Monday, October 13, 2008

New Pictures Posted

I don't know how but I now have my own picture album, so if you look to the left and click on Jeri's picture album (I think that's what it says) you can see all the pictures I was behind in on posting. They are pictures from the beginning of July until we got back on Oct. 10th, sorry I got so far behind.

Anyway, Miss Madison showed me a welcome home Nana surprise. On Kim's blog she has been reporting how she is having a hard time going poo poo. Kim went and got prune concentrate and started giving it to her on Friday night. She gave it to her 3 times on Saturday too and she was finally able to go. Sunday night Miss Madison woke up after we were done with dinner and I was walking her around the house. She started to get a little fussy, so Kim was getting the prune juice and bottle ready. When I held Miss Madison a little bit away from me, Kim points down to the front of Madison and it is a real dark mess. We went running to the changing table and she had poop everywhere, she had so much it came out the front of her diaper. Danny was in studying so we yelled for him to come and help. Kim ran to the bath tub and started the water. Danny striped Miss Madison and gave her to Kim who was waiting in the bath tub with the water running. Kim held Madison and Danny helped rinse her off, Madison wasn't happy at 1st but then loved the warm water. Too darn funny, I wish I had gotten a picture. I start my baby sitting duties this Thursday so I told Kim "NO MORE PRUNE JUICE" I sure hope I don't get a mess like that, but I'm sure I will.

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