Saturday, August 23, 2008


We got on the road about 12:30 Thursday afternoon. Right before starting out the computer GPS quit working so we got the one out of the car to use. The one from the car has never even heard of Edna Calif. so we put in Pismo Beach. Once on the road the GPS would say turn and Dave wouldn't, because he didn't believe it. Honestly I don't know why we even plugged it in, anyway within an hour we got lost, kind of. We were suppose to stay on 58 but somehow it turned into 33, there was a little road that turned off and we noticed after we went by it. We were on a 2 lane road and could not turn around, after 2 miles we finally came into a wide spot in the road and pulled into it. We got the map out then backed tracked for 2 miles and got back on 58. After the turn we noticed a sign that said "Semis from Kingpin to rear axle over 30 feet not recommended on this road.(we are 60 ft long) Dave said we aren't a Semi so we should be OK, well let me tell you what this road was like, winding and very turny and I mean sharp turns. Luckily no one was coming the opposite way, now we know why, because we needed both lanes to make these turns, it was a long drop off if you missed one, not fun at all. We were driving 5 to 15 mph on this road, it was a long 3 hour drive, not all was curvy so that was good, still a long drive. We got to Edna about 4pm, and then when Dave unhooked the car he noticed the pins the car hooks into were leaning down towards the ground, he said "that don't look right to me" so he looked up under the car and noticed a bolt loose on the Base Plate. He did some more looking and noticed the whole plate was leaning downward and was breaking the grill on the front of our car. Too late to do anything about it now would have to start making calls in the morning so we joined the Elks for Happy Hour. Now before we left the coach I was giving Valley food and water but I noticed the water was yellow, so I said I wasn't going to give Valley that shit so I gave her Dave's bottled water. Later on when Dave saw the water he went "oh shit". Before we had left to go on this trip the RV Park we are staying at had broken a water line and had shut down the water. Well, when it was fixed Dave hurried and filled up the 100 gallon tank for this dry camping trip. We should have let the water in the park run for awhile to get all the dirt out of the lines but we didn't so now we have 100 gallons of muddy water that is unusable. The guy here in charge said we could go ahead and dump our tank and refill with the water here at the place we are camping at, thank goodness because we were going to have to drive to the Elks Lodge in Pismo to get fresh water if not.
Friday morning after refilling the water tank we drove into Pismo to have my car looked at. It ends up we need a new Base Plate, we thought we broke it driving the 58 but it ends up this plate has slowly been working its way off for awhile. Dave is thinking it was probably from the Mexico trip because of those roads. Anyway, one place wouldn't have time to fix it on Monday so he sent us to another place that could fix it on Monday if he could find one. Ends up he didn't find one in time so Dave called Rosedale RV in Bakersfield and they are having one shipped out and will receive it on Wednesday and will fix the car then. We were suppose to leave on Wednesday but now won't leave until Thursday or Friday, will see when the car is done. So thank goodness we found this problem now or else we could have been driving down the road and watched the Envoy pass us up one of these days. When we leave here tomorrow I will follow Dave in the car because, although he thinks we would be OK to tow it, I said NO WAY!
We are having fun here with the Elks, Dave is with his people, it's funny watching Dave walk with a cane and him and the others discussing hip and knee replacement. I would say 75% of the campers here are in their 70's some in there 80's but a lot of fun. There is one guy here that looks just like Harold, if you remember Ruthie (the stutterer) and Harold File, Mom and Pop's best friends and his name is Harold too!
Today Dave and I went driving around Pismo Beach, got out and walked the pier, there was a surfing contest going on. Then we drove to Avila Beach and stopped and had lunch at "Fat Cats", the restaurant that Mom and Pop use to take people too, they loved that place. We also drove by McKlintock's another favorite place of Mom and Pop's.

Talked to Uncle Bob today and he sounded good and says he is doing good.

Happy 35th Birthday to you, Marisa, hope you have a great day and the back is better.

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