Monday, June 30, 2008


Kim has another doctor appointment today at 9am, I think the doctor is going to give Kim the paperwork for pre-registration for next week and give us the time for the c-section.
Yesterday, Sunday, David and Jodi had a small gathering for Riley's 10th bday, BBQ hotdogs and hamburgers, Xbox, Bocceball and slip & slide. Kim and Danny were the big winners in the Bocceball game, that's if you could get Danny away from the Xbox. David has the guitar and drum set so between David, Danny and Riley's boy cousins the Xbox was constantly going and very loud. Most the adults stayed in the backyard because it was too loud, unless they went in to sing along with the songs they knew.
Saturday, Kim and Danny had a garage sale and made over $100 and got rid of a bunch of stuff, except that darn desk, now I think Danny is going to try to list it in the pennysaver. Dave did some painting on Saturday but it is a slow process because it is so darn hot here, the backyard lawn is coming in nicely though.
Nothing else to report. Happy Belated Birthday to Shawn, Sunday, and Riley, Friday.

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