Sunday, June 08, 2008


In this episode of the Gonzalez Zone Kim is still laying around moaning in pain, she is eating a little and drinking lots of water but still in pain. Danny walks in and Kim says "NO MORE KIDS" oops, I think Danny is cut off for the rest of his life. Oh well, there goes the other 3 or 4 kids that Danny wanted, I guess if he wants them he will have to figure out how to have them himself.
In the mean time, the 3 of us head outside to work in the yard, Danny and I are filling the p/u truck with all the brinks and cement that was busted away, Dave is working on the wiring. I'm sensing a pattern here, physical lifting and digging, the hard stuff, Danny and I do, the wiring and easy stuff Dave does??? Now I know why Dave keeps calling Danny and I "Manual", I thought he was losing it or just trying to be funny, I should have written about this before, drat!!!
After we filled the truck, Danny (Manual#1, he's stronger) and Dave drove to the dump. On the second run to the dump as soon as they entered the place the left back tire popped. By the time they got to where they could unload the stuff they were on the rim. They put on the spare tire, I wasn't there but my hunch is Danny did 90% of the work, then they drove to Costco and brought new tires. They were only going to buy 2 tires but they had a sale on and ended up purchasing 4. I say, can't we ever go a day on a project that something doesn't go wrong????

Change of subject, something funny for once.

The other night at dinner we got to talking about foods and different vegetables and did you know that Danny likes the "White Broccoli" too? He has no idea what Brussel Sprouts are, he is just too funny, he lead such a sheltered life growing up.
God, you have to love him, Kim is really a lucky girl to find him, we all laugh so much when we are together, or even talking on the phone, even with all the mishaps.
It's Sunday lets see what today brings, I know tonight we are going to have an old fashion "Sunday Night Family Dinner" with me cooking beef stew, salad and rolls, and Kim laying around moaning and groaning, because I haven't finished cleaning the house yet. :)

P.S. I have to make a correction from the last blog, the vet thinks it is a sinus tumor not a brain tumor. Although now that she is on the meds she seems to be doing better, maybe it was just an infection.

1 comment:

marisa said...

I seriously think you guys need your own reality show with all the mishaps that go on around there. Poor Danny. Always having to do so much work. He is a great guy! Tell Kim I totally understand the statement of no more kids. I am feeling that for about the 10th time right now with Inara's crankiness due to teething. Tell her the challenges never stop.