Thursday, August 31, 2006

Thursday morning, August 31, 2006
Yesterday was a pretty good day, we dropped off the "rig", I just learned that's about what everyone calls them, at 7:30 a.m. and we had to stick around because they wanted Dave to unhook all his computer stuff. They didn't want to be responsible if they unhooked it wrong, which Dave was glad to hear. Valley and I went and sat in the lobby, Valley is the welcomer for when everyone walks in. She is getting so much attention even the girls that work behind the counter give her dog bones. There were about 4 of us sitting around the table working on the puzzle talking about different camping places then they somehow got on age. Well, my new buddies have been married 55 plus years so needless to say they are in there 70's. I didn't even tell them my age but it's kind of nice being the youngest one here. Another nice thing around here is this is one place you can't call us trailer trash, everyone here either has the same size "rig" or larger. They don't like to hear the 4 letter word (work) at least that's what they say to Dave when he says he still works.
Anyway, yesterday Dave sat in the car on conference calls and typing away on his computer when I had to run out to the store to get chips and dip for the potluck. After the potluck we had to go back to the rig so Dave could hook up the computer stuff again. Then we drove back again at 2 because it was margarita party time that Monaco put on. I'm telling you I could stay here for quite awhile, it is really fun. When I talked to Kim yesterday she said I should join the craft classes that way I could start making everyone Christmas gifts, good idea. Today is travelling around to different winerys then lunch out, I have to see if they will let me follow them in my car because of Valley plus Dave has a lot of work today. Dave and Valley can sit in the car while I go on the tours.
We have to take the rig in at 7 a.m. this morning and it's 6 a.m. right now so I have to cut off now and do a shut down.

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