Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Happy Birthday Kim / Back in Bakersfield

1st thing "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" Kimberly Diane, 26 now, boy did you ever thing you would be that old? I know when I was younger I always said "I'll never get to 25 that's way too old" and now I have doubled that age.
Anyway, she had to work so Dave, Danny and I made dinner for her and we ate when she got home. I even got her cupcakes, instead of a cake, and do you know when we were leaving in our cars, Danny and Kim came out and said we had forgotten about the cupcakes, instead of us going back in we just said enjoy them, after all it was going on 9:30pm that's our bedtime. So Sorry Kim, hope they were good. I just have to quit lecturing you guys on managing a house and let you live and learn on your own.
Enough of that, we got to Bakersfield yesterday, 25th, and Jackie and Bob, who we had met on the Mexico Caravan were still here at the RV park. Great, great people, we brought them over to Kim's to see the house and help with ideas on remodelling, then we came back for Happy Hour and their coach. After that we had dinner at the RV park restaurant, it was a lot of fun visiting again. Bob and Jackie have a son who has lived in Bakersfield for 29 years and is a teacher, so that's why they were here, seeing the grand kids and all that good stuff.
They left this morning and Dave went to the house to watch the remodelling going on, I stayed at the coach and cleaned.
Just found out there is going to be a rally going on here at the RV park, should be fun to watch, I love rallies.
That's it for the exciting stuff, more like boring recap.

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