Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Tuesday, September 12, 2006 no exciting things going on today. Dave, Valley and I went walking around Elkton, they have a lot of new houses being built here. While walking we saw 3 deer running around, it was neat watching them hop like rabbits. I had no idea that's how they run around, I thought they galloped, wrong. Valley didn't see them but when we got to where they had been she sure could smell them. Marty called while we were walking and since today is his day off Dave and him got together to start working on his website. They are also working on trying to sell it on Craig's list and Ebay. Dave took pictures of the restaurant inside and out, and pictures of the menu. After we left the restaurant Dave came back and started working on the website, Valley and I laid out in the sun. It is hot here, it's in the 90's and it's suppose to be raining here on Thursday thru Saturday, can't believe it because there isn't a cloud in the sky.
Tomorrow night we will be driving into Eugene and having dinner with Christina, Jake, Jenni, Dayna and Marty.
Yesterday I did have my nails done and we ran into Marty in Cottage Grove, he was in town having new tires put on his truck and he had brought his bike with him and rode over to where we were. We then went to Wallyworld again because Valley's leash had broken and we had to get a new one. When we got back I went on a long walk with Valley on the river, Dave went back to painting his satellite box plus he had some work to do too. There is an older couple that come into Marty's restaurant, and he is friends with, Jerri and Dick, we saw them there on Sunday morning and they wanted to see our motor home. Well, yesterday in the afternoon Jerri had called me on my cell and asked if she could come over, Dick was out so he wasn't with her. She came over and we gave her a tour, she just loved it. She said they were thinking about getting a motor home years ago and traveling around, but the one they had been talking about was only a 21 footer. After seeing ours she said there was no way they could have lived in that 21 footer.
That's about it for now, just a relaxing day.

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