Friday, May 28, 2010

May 24th - May 28th Happy Birthday Dave

May 28th, Happy 63rd Birthday Dave, I hope the rest of the year turns out better then when it started this morning. Dave must have had a allergic reaction to something he ate yesterday, and I have nothing to do with it not after 32 yrs. When he woke up this morning his tongue was 2x's it's normal size. He could hardly talk, and it kind of blocked his breathing, but he said let's wait awhile before we go to the ER. He had some coffee and just kept moving around and the swelling started going down. By the afternoon it was almost back to normal. He was able to go out to lunch, his B/Day lunch, since we had to work tonight. This poor guy, he has the weirdest things happen to him, it's just hard for me to understand because most of the stuff I've never gone through. (exp. shoulders, knees feet)

May 24th, Monday - very slow day at work, enjoy it now because once school gets out it will be hell

May25th - another slow day at work but in the A.M. I went to Walmart and had my hair cut almost as short as Dave's, it is so easy to take care of. While I was having my hair cut, I dropped Dave off at the Casino/Race Track for the Senior buffet for $3.50. The special goes on every Tuesday so I will go next week, June 1st. Of course you have to be 55 to get the 3.50 special so Pat gave me her casino card to use because I'm only 52 and don't qualify yet. After my hair cut we went by the RV Office to see if we could move because we just couldn't get our TV to connect to the satellite, which we were able to do, we moved to the site right behind us.

May 26th - another slow day even worst then the other 2 days, It's OK because I know our time is coming.

May 27th - Day off. In the morning we took our awnings, from 2 of the slides, into a shop to be re-sewn, then dropped off the DVR that wasn't working at the Fedex office.
After that we drove to Pella, Iowa, Pella is the home of Pella Windows and Doors. Kind of like when we went to Amana a couple weeks ago, Amana Appliances. Anyway, Pella is a Dutch Comminity, we did a tour through there giant Windmill, visited the bakery and meat market. It was very interesting to see, the country side was just beautiful, I love nothing more then seeing the open countryside and when you do hit a community they have no fences around their yards, love it. So green and just amazing to see, Dave had to remind me just think of this covered in white, "SNOW". When we got back we went out to dinner with friends here, Bob and Pat, had a great steak dinner.
May 28th, back to the beginning, Dave woke up with a swollen tongue.
Work was a little busier today but now it's the holiday weekend, will have to write and let you know how everything goes.
One thing I didn't mention was the physical labor these jobs are, Dave said, remember when we worked we sat at computers, this physical labor stuff we haven't done for god knows how long, very different ball game.

One Funny, when we 1st got to this RV Park they gave us a tag for our "car" which read,
"32 WK" and once we got parked and set up, we were getting ready to run to Walmart I had said to Dave is the tag in the car? He said yes, 32 weeks here, I said WHAT? I said it meant"we are in space 32 and we are Workampers" he went "oh" I said if we are here 32 weeks Kim would kill us because that's 8 months. Poor guy, my stupidness is rubbing off on him!!!


Unknown said...

Sounds like Hoof & Mouth to me.

joven said...
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