We finally finished cleaning out the RV and put it in storage, hopefully, no mice, snakes or anything else get in. Dave thinks he filled all the openings, will see when we get it back out of storage on the 22nd of Oct.
My car's front end has been shaking a lot so we had to take it in to get checked. With having only 1 car you either hang out at the repair place, take your bikes so you can ride home or just walk home. We choose walking home, it was almost 4 miles no biggie, just a little bit further then we walk every morning. When it was done we decided to ride our bikes down to go pick it up, never again. It was a lot more work riding the bike then walking, plus, not much of a bike lane and lots of cars use that road. The car ended up just needing an alignment and rotated the tires, thank goodness we thought it was going to be something major since the car has 120,000 miles on it.
This past Thursday we started finding the garage sales and estate sales again, Dave has found stuff to buy but I haven't yet. Friday we went to the Prescott Fair, very small, then on to Costco.
Saturday, in Cottonwood, we went to the Rhythm & Ribs fest, 4th year having it. With the price of admission you got 3 free sample tickets to try from any of the vendors. After that for a $1 the other vendors would give you a sample. They had a big stage setup for all the bands that were going to be playing. The best restaurant ribs, we thought, were Hog Wild. We have been wanting to try the place but just haven't done it yet, now we will be. Still haven't found out yet who won.
Dave is now Chairman of the Architectural Committee here. Since he missed the last meeting they voted him to become the Chairman, oh yea! (when you belong to a committee you better not miss a meeting) Plus, he will be working on the website for the Elks Lodge, so he should be keeping pretty busy. I don't think the Elks have done anything to their website since 2006 or 2007. There isn't much to do as Chairman except go to the meetings once a month, and if someone submits something they want to change on their house everyone has to look at it, if it is turned down then Dave has to write the letter.
My brother, Mike, did great through surgery and is doing good, my surgery was cancelled until November 2nd. Got to find out about this high blood pressure, am going tomorrow for a Echo Cardiogram with Doppler and a Renal Ultrasound test, will get results next week. I might also have a stress test next week if the BP is under control.
That's about it, Dave is starting to set water drips in the backyard so we can start planting things.