Monday, July 27, 2009

Baby Scropion in Closet!!!!

Yesterday when I got the vacuum out of the closet I noticed something on the floor, like a odd shaped piece of wood or something, said to myself I'll pick that up later. Put the vacuum back and still didn't pick it up so this morning while getting the vacuum out again I must have knocked the thing a little closer to the door. When I pushed the closet door closed I could see the think so I bent down and started to pick it up. Then I could have sworn it moved a little I bent down closer and still couldn't tell, and I had my glasses on. So I went and got the magnifying glass and yelled for Dave. I said is this a scorpion and Dave said if you have to use a magnifying glass to tell then it's not a scorpion. I said bull you come look, he told the magnifying glass and sure enough it was a baby scorpion laying on it's back with its little legs moving, it was dieing but it was still moving. Dave stepped on it to put it out of it's misery, but where did it come from and where is mama and papa? I am really not a happy camper now, needless to say I'm getting the inside of the house sprayed again!

Last Thursday we had one heck of a Monsoon, there was so much rain, hail, and the lighting was all around us. I was talking to Kim on the phone and she couldn't believe how loud it was. Dave had to run out to the club house for a meeting and he said it was a river running down the road. It is Monsoon season here so just about every afternoon we have rain, but this was the 1st time is was right above us, very scary.

We have been doing swap meets, garage sales and estate sales this last week and have gotten some great buys. We found a dresser for the spare room, Dave needs to paint it which he is in the middle of doing right now as I write. We found a soda fountain like table set that we will put in the front yard. Dave is going to build a bridge that will take you to it so you don't have to walk through all the rocks. I got some great deals on pots for the kitchen cabinets, and a pretty basket thing for our bedroom. I'll post new pictures.
What is weird here is seeing guns being sold at the swap meets, plus seeing people with guns hanging from their sides. I guess if you walked around with a gun showing no one is going to mess with you.

I was going through picture albums, looking for stuff for David Jr. and ran across Kim's baby book, she was walking when she was 10 months old, so I guess that's where Miss Madison gets it from.

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