Friday, May 02, 2008

Landed in Bishop California visiting more family

We arrived in Bishop today and are staying a couple days to visit with Caryn, Joe and Carlee. Dave just got a call from Joe and Caryn and Joe are at the hospital, Caryn broke her wrist. It seems like Carlee is down at Disneyland, with her school band, so Caryn and Joe closed down the office and decided to have a sky day in Mammoth. Haven't got the full info yet will either talk to them later tonight or see them tomorrow and get the low down.
I must say "Thank you" to my brother, Mike, I called him because I only had Caryn's shop number and he got me other phone numbers and even called Jimmy, who told Mike, that they were off skiing today.
The drive to Bishop was just beautiful, driving around Lake Tahoe was just breath taking, it took us quite awhile to get here because it is mostly 2 lanes roads but well worth it.


marisa said...

If Caryn broke her wrist, then how the heck is she skiing? That seems like something the doctor would recommend against. If you think driving around Lake Tahoe is beautiful, then you should be in Colorado right about now. It's breathtaking getting to see the mountains sprinkled with snow, a light wind cooling you off while the sun beats down. It's amazing!!! When it snowed on Thursday, I realized I would much rather see snow falling than heat rays coming off the asphalt any day of the week. I hope you guys will get to visit in the fall.

Jeri said...

she broke her wrist skiing.