Let me start out with HAPPY 61ST BIRTHDAY to Dave. Danny surprised him with painting the whole house, amazing, what a great guy. I was always telling him he was too good for Kim, but now he is too good for us too, just kidding, still for Kim but not for us. Love you Danny, but I'm still not tearing up the pre-nup. :)
Now, about the good news we got today, from my niece Caryn, she got a call and work-comp is going to pay for all the medical costs from my oldest brother, Vance's, death. Something in the California law about Firemen and Policemen who die on the job from some kind of heart problem that is caused by the stress of the job. I guess a doctor re-looked at my brother's records and he had seen from the autopsy that he had a heart attack about a month before the stroke so everything is covered. What a relief for my niece and nephew, it's complicated and I'm sure I'm not saying it right but as long as they don't have to pay the 300K.
Simi Valley, we had a great time with Brad and Diane, visited El Patio, of course on Wednesday night. Thursday we went and parked at David Jr's then that night went to our friends house in Somis, Ginger and Stan. We had a great dinner, Mary and Vern were there too and we all talked till 10pm then Mary and Vern left. We were spending the night there so the 4 of us stayed up until 11:30 talking, we had a great time and they have a beautiful house, can't wait to see them again.
Friday night we went to Alex and Jacqui's house for a Jewish Dinner, food was great and company was even better.
Saturday morning we (David, Jodi, Dave and I) walked to Chef's burger for breakfast, big mistake, way too much walking for Dave and couldn't make it home. His heels are really hurting him, so needless to say he now has a doctor's appointment tomorrow, 5/29, with a doctor Kim set up for him. We had a wedding to go to Saturday night and we went but couldn't stay because of Dave's feet.
Sunday we got together with Howard and Jerry and went to a Winery in Moorpark with them. This is a privately owned winery, and we ended up going to the owner's house instead of the winery and their house was easily 6,000 sq ft, it over looked the valley, it was beautiful.
Monday, was grandgirls day, Jesica brought over the 3 girls, Dezira, Bryauna, and Jayden, Riley was at the house so we took them to the movies. Dave and the girls went in our car and David, Jodi and I went in another. We saw Indiana Jones then after that went to In and Out for lunch. Jesica and the girls had plans for the afternoon so they went home and the rest of us had a BBQ for dinner, it was a full day. With the Wii in the RV now you know where Riley was hanging out, which was great because she showed me things I didn't know you could do with Tennis, Baseball and Tennis. I'm just sorry we didn't get a chance to do the boxing because I haven't done that one yet, and I'm sure she could teach me a lot. Bryauna, told me on Monday, that the boxing Wii is a great workout, so now I really want to learn it.
Tuesday we headed back to Bakersfield, after I went to "THE HAT" for the pastrimi sandwiches, those are the best in the world, ask anyone who has been to one.
On the way back we stopped and filled up the motor home for the last time for the next 3 months and we payed $4.99. We head out again, in the motor home, about August 27th and I just hope all the diesel doesn't evaporate before then.