Saturday, February 16, 2008

Mazatlan Now- Natives are getting restless

I am so far behind in writing that it's not even funny. We have been staying pretty busy and when we get back I don't feel like writing.
I do have to tell one story though. We have one couple in our group that really rubs the rest of the group the wrong way, even the staff have had problems with them. They are the 1st ones at every meal, every potluck we have they go up and get thirds, fourths and sometimes even 5ths even before everyone has eaten. They won't stick with a pod, they try and beat everyone else to the campsites ect. ect. Well, the last night before we left San Blas the staff cooked us all dinner and of course you knew who was 1st in line, when it was desert time they were frying up sopas, fried dough with either chocolate sauce, powder sugar or what else they had out. This couple got there desert then the man went back again, the staff told him he would have to wait until everyone had gotten desert and he bitched that he had paid his money and he could eat as much as he wanted. They made him wait and everyone else watched this and those that didn’t hear him say that, passed it around to the rest of the group very fast. The next morning we were to leave at 9am at 7:30am this couple was gone, people were getting madder and madder, but they had at least told the Staff that they were going on their own. Our drive down in our pod was bitching about this couple and that everyone had had enough of them. We get to Mazatlan and all sitting around for happy hour when it was brought up that 3 couples were staying behind when we leave here because they are going on with another caravan, we all said we thought 4 couples were leaving and he said no this couple, that no one can stand, stay with us 3 more days then they take off. One guy said “oh, shit” then the fight began, names were being said, there was threats of taking it out back and fighting it out, it just started getting nasty. You see the natives are getting restless because we haven’t had TV since January 23rd and I believe everyone is feeling it.
Anyway, wanted to get that out before or if I ever get the rest of the blog caught up. The next day we all got on the bus for a city tour, which turned out to be a bust again, but at least there was no fighting going on.

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