Wednesday, March 28, 2007

March 28, 2007 well it rained just about all day today. It was a good day to do house cleaning and laundry right after I did my morning workout. Last night we went to the Grand Ole Opry, before the show we walked around the Opry Mill Mall, one of the biggest I think I have been in, then had dinner at Tony Roma's, haven't been to one of them for years. The Lebanon policeman that was at our coach today said that Opry Mill Mall use to be were the Opry amusement park was, so I guess that's why the area is so big. The reason the police where here is because to get the RV registration changed to Florida the vin. number needed to be verified by either a police officer or a Dealership if we weren't going to drive back to Florida. Dave called and they said they would come by and verify the number and sign the document for us. Anyway, back to the Grand Ole Opry, we walked thru the museum which was neat to see, then we went thru the Opry store and Tracy Lawrence was there signing his new CD. Before the show started at 7 pm Eddie Stubbs came out and explained that every show is live on the Radio so please do a lot of clapping and live commercials are being done too between singers. We didn't know any of the singers but the music was "OK" but it was very interesting to watch them do the live commercials and change the stage for the next singer or singing group coming up. It lasted 2 hours and we saw 8 different singing groups. The best thing about the whole thing is that Country Musician's biggest thrill is to sing at the Grand Ole Opry. Sorry but its hard to explain, as big as they get and tour all over the biggest thing to them is to appear at one spot, where things began. The music groups today, meaning rock and roll ect., they don't have 1 place that all the legends have crossed, which the Country Music has, which I/we think is really neat.
Enough of that, tomorrow we are headed out, 1 day ahead of time, and will stop in Kentucky, we want to get another marker on our placker. Will write later.

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