Sunday, January 31, 2010

Cornville Arizona, Back Home Again

We had an OK time in Quartzsite this year. With the storms that hit at night it made it so Dave couldn't go do any playing around in the desert with the jeep. We were able to get our sun shade fixed while there, and just finished our interview with The Adventureland when another wind storm hit and everyone had to evacuate the tent area. We did get hired so we will be leaving for Des Moines, Iowa on May 10th, have to be there by the 16th because there is a meeting on the 17th for everyone. Last day of work is September 26th, if we stay until then it will only cost us $165.00 for parking in the RV Park the whole time. The scary thing is if we like it and want to do it every summer Kim or Madison will kill us because that would mean we would always miss Madison's b/day. We look at this as an adventure, we will get to new states we haven't been to yet and see more of the USA. We got to do it now before we get too old. At The Adventureland Dave and I will be ride operators, In May they are only open on weekends. June, July and August 7 days a week and open until 10pm, then in September it is only weekends again until September 26th which is the last day of operations.

We left Quartzsite and drove to Bakersfield on January 23rd. Went to Kim's everyday and even watched Madison a couple times. Madison got a runny nose while we were there and Kim managed to catch it, it hit Kim pretty hard but Madison's cleared up. Luckily Dave and I didn't catch it this time. We left Bakersfield on the 28th and stopped that night in Quartzsite, spent the night and hit the road at 7am back in Cornville at 11:30. Got the RV all unpacked and that afternoon we put the RV back in storage at 1000 Trails. We won't get it back out again until May when we hit the road for Bakersfield then on to Iowa.

Judy, across the street from us, is going to make us up a list of things to see and do while we are in Iowa. Judy and Marty are from there and drive back quite often, their daughter and family still live there.

We are debating now if we should rent out our house while we are gone. The rental company we use handles furnished vacation homes, still just not sure yet. Dave will talk to Tricia and see what it entails.
Posted new pictures, go under our photos, there are 3 new sets. Our trip to Mexico, Christmas and Las Vegas and Bakersfield.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Quartzsite Arizona

Made it to Quartzsite, AZ yesterday. The storms that are hitting all around, California, Arizona ect. hit here in Quartzsite last night. Looking at the weather report it should be OK here during the day today but a big storm is suppose to hit again tonight.
We had fun in Tempe with Bob and Jackie, did a lot of shopping around but not buying anything. They have a monster swap meet that runs Friday, Saturday and Sunday, that alone took us 2 days to go through.
Here at Quartzsite there is a monster RV Show going on and this is where we will find out about working in Iowa this summer and hopefully get my sun shade fixed. It's actually the drivers sun shade because once it quit working Dave took the passenger sun shade and turned it around and set it up on the drivers side. It's better to have the passenger looking into the sun then the driver. Dave has been really looking forward to coming here with the jeep so he can go play out in the desert. We did a little driving around yesterday but I'm sure he will have more fun without Jackie and I in the back sit.
We decided when we leave here we are going to drive to Bakersfield, have to get my Madison fix, will stay a few days then should be home in Cornville by the end of January now. Boy, we just keep changing our plans at the drop of a hat.
That's it for now.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Catching Hell

I knew I was way behind in posting, like I said in another blog this Facebook stuff is killing me on posting my blog. My brother, Mike, emailed me and asked if I was still hanging out in Cornville because I haven't posted for so long. He must not look at Facebook everyday because I am always making comments on that, especially from his daughter, my niece, Marisa. It seems like we have been so busy since we left Cornville way back in December.

We left in December and went to Redlands, Ca. to have the RV worked on and stayed with Mike and Trini for a night. After that we drove to Simi Valley and stayed 1 night at the side of David Jr.'s house before our cruise. David, Jodi and Riley took us to our cruise ship and we were off for a 7 day cruise to Puerto Vallarta, Mazatlan and Cabo San Lucas. The weather and cruise were great, started getting a tan again but then lost it once we got back to Calif. When we got back we stayed a couple more days in Simi. We had an early xmas with the grand daughters, except Madison, and met up with our financial advisor. Got to see Brad, Diane, and Joann while we were down in Simi too which was very nice.
The Monday before xmas we went to Bakersfield. Madison was not a happy camper to see us, all she did was cry and cry. Kim finally said, "Mom just take her" which I did and within a few minutes I had her smiling. Boy, not seeing her for 3 months was way too long. That's not happening again!!!
Dave fixed xmas dinner and Danny's family came up which was really nice to see all of them again. I got to babysit a couple days while we were there and Madison has really changed, boy did she keep me busy. We then left on Dec. 29th with Bob and Jackie, who were also in Bakersfield having xmas with their son and family, in their motor home, and headed for Sam's Town, in Las Vegas, for New Year's. Jackie's sister and brother-in-law also joined us at Sam's Town. While there we went and saw Avatar in 3D Imax, what a great movie.
We all left Vegas on January 2nd, Jackie's sister went back home and Bob, Jackie, Dave and I went straight to Cornville. We got home Saturday night, Bob and Jackie stayed at the house, we just parked both RV's out front, then on Sunday they went to Crazy Horse State Park, where they stayed until today when they left for Tempe.
While Bob and Jackie were here we did site seeing just about everyday, it was a lot fun. Dave and I saw things we hadn't even seen yet, it was great.
We head out tomorrow for Tempe and will meet up with them again at the Elks Lodge and see Jackie's sister again. Then we are all going to Quartsite for the big RV Show. Should be back home in Cornville by January 26th.
By the way, I have lots of pictures to post to my blog, but since we are leaving again, I can't do it until we get back at the end of Jan. or even after we get back from Bakersfield. Boy, I just want to stay home and get back into a routine again.